Sounds innocuous, but it is not. The fires in Canada and in California, and now on Maui were designed to set the stage. NOAA is set to release temperature levels from Antarctica next week that will be the reason to declare the emergency. Klaus Shwab's daughter has been gloating about this coming declaration that will, as Yuval Harari says will amend the real opportunity lost with the 'COVID' lock-downs.
What does this mean to you? They will ration gasoline and electricity... and possibly food. It is the 'COVID' sequel with lock-downs.[It would give Biden vast and unchecked authority to shut down everything from communications to infrastructure. They can literally do exactly what they did in COVID. If you disagree with the climate emergency, speech can be shut down.
Sure sounds like the beginnings of Marshall law
I watched AMP AfterHours and it was a very interesting video explaining the Trump card. Near the end, Josh Reid rightly stated the DS and Swamp will not relinquish their power without a fight. Reid said that we ought to expect a national emergency to be declared after the exonerating evidence of Trump is presented. We have a formidable enemy and they know its coming and will attempt to prevent it from being revealed by any means necessary. To me, this means preempting the release by declaring a National Emergency. This Climate Change Emergency may have the markings of this act.
Logical and plausible 👍