You Can’t Make This Up: Maui’s Emergency Operations Chief Has No Background in Disaster Response – Offers Absurd Excuse for Not Activating Sirens During Wildfire
🧠 These people are stupid!
“To say that I am not qualified, I think is incorrect,” Andaya added.
Well he is certainly entitled to his opinion...but it appears that his assessment of the situation was extremely underwhelming...leading to way too many deaths...he is probably a "fall guy"...and truthfully may have been a political or even a diversity hire...things are just so wrong when incompetent people are tasked with such important jobs....this is just one of MANY things that is wrong with the Maui fires...tragic to say the least...
They always need a Oswald.
You are probably correct as to how he came to be in that job. Hawaii is very much a "one hand washes the other" state when it comes to political favors. You campaign for me, I give you cushy government job. When I lived there you'd see crowds of people standing by the highway exit ramps during election season, waving political signs and that's why. They were hoping to get govt. jobs.