I get that when we are busy, having fun, and getting older time flies, but damn it seems 6 months is our new " year ". Anyone else feel like their timeline is on 1.5x speed ?
While I appreciate this to some degree being under communist rule and to get to " Best is yet to come ( Freedom ) ", it still seems crazy how time has been literally cut in half nowadays.
Which one of u been playin w/ the buttons ?
I think we lost an hour a couple weeks ago. All my digital devices say a time but my old 70s manual wall clock is back an hour. I fixed it a couple months ago and was tracking it daily for time loss but confirmed it held good time. Then one day I noticed it off by exactly an hour.
I also have a security camera that is now off by an hour.
Did the world add an hour at some point recently? I dont think we went through a daylight savings clock change in the recent past?