Debating any of these wannabes would HELP ONLY THEM.
It could do absolutely ZERO good for Trump, but would provide HOURS of cannon fodder for the selective editors of the mainstream media to attack him with.
The media that knowingly took "There were good people on both sides" out of context and simply chopped off the part where he said "...and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and white supremacists, who should be CONDEMNED TOTALLY".
And, to make it worse, they did this AFTER Jake Tapper told the CNN audience and the panel of eight wobbleheads that Trump had added the disclaimer, so "We can't accuse Trump of supporting neo-Nazis and white supremacists." After all that, they STILL ran with it. Worst lie in political history, next to the Big Lie (that Biden won the election).
Debating any of these wannabes would HELP ONLY THEM.
It could do absolutely ZERO good for Trump, but would provide HOURS of cannon fodder for the selective editors of the mainstream media to attack him with.
The media that knowingly took "There were good people on both sides" out of context and simply chopped off the part where he said "...and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and white supremacists, who should be CONDEMNED TOTALLY".
And, to make it worse, they did this AFTER Jake Tapper told the CNN audience and the panel of eight wobbleheads that Trump had added the disclaimer, so "We can't accuse Trump of supporting neo-Nazis and white supremacists." After all that, they STILL ran with it. Worst lie in political history, next to the Big Lie (that Biden won the election).