Under collectivism (i.e., socialism/communism), everyone is the same. Your family doesn't matter, your ethnic heritage, your local community, your county, your state, even your country, DON'T MATTER. The only thing that matters is the collective. Your cultural (i.e., tribal) traditions and customs get squashed under collectivism.
God talks about "Honor Your Mother and Father".
That's the only commandment that God has given us about family.
The role of family matters early.
To set COMMON SENSE values into a child.
Such as
Thou shall not kill
Thou shall not steal
Respect elders (This is a spin-off of Honor your Mother and Father)
Thou shall not covet neighbors' wive (This is how we deal with sex and love)
Thou shall not worship graven images (This is not to worship celebrities, flags, logos, etc)
Your traditions and customs are created by ENTREPRENEURS who INNOVATE via competition.
A person should not put too much value into customs and traditions.
This is because INNOVATORS will always introduce breakthroughs that will DESTROY outdated traditions and customs.
So you are putting faith into something that will always change due to innovations changing them naturally.
Your local community will not matter to someone who wants to TRAVEL the world.
Your country and state. You only own your countrymen COMMON SENSE morality like the 10 commandments. Besides that... its YOUR life.
You don't owe anyone anything else.
Your ethnic heritage is totally a SHEEP!
I'll tell you.
FAKE LEADERS of your tribe will set what your ethnic heritage is suppose to be.
God's commandments tells us not to let man set our identity and values.
And look at Black America.
As a people.
Tribalism is the reason why 90% have been sheep. Blacks voted for Obama not because he was the best candidate.
They voted for him because of tribalism.
Asians wear mask because of tribalism.
What did the Cabal do with COVID. They made humans to think like a cult.
Stop defending tribalism.
Only humans who act like animals will do it.
God created us an INDIVIDUALS with our own thoughts for a reason.
Groups only matter when you need to come together to build something that you cannot do on your own.
tribalism = collectivism.
In my view they are actually polar opposites.
Under collectivism (i.e., socialism/communism), everyone is the same. Your family doesn't matter, your ethnic heritage, your local community, your county, your state, even your country, DON'T MATTER. The only thing that matters is the collective. Your cultural (i.e., tribal) traditions and customs get squashed under collectivism.
God talks about "Honor Your Mother and Father". That's the only commandment that God has given us about family.
The role of family matters early. To set COMMON SENSE values into a child.
Such as
Your traditions and customs are created by ENTREPRENEURS who INNOVATE via competition.
A person should not put too much value into customs and traditions.
This is because INNOVATORS will always introduce breakthroughs that will DESTROY outdated traditions and customs.
So you are putting faith into something that will always change due to innovations changing them naturally.
Your local community will not matter to someone who wants to TRAVEL the world.
Your country and state. You only own your countrymen COMMON SENSE morality like the 10 commandments. Besides that... its YOUR life. You don't owe anyone anything else.
Your ethnic heritage is totally a SHEEP! WHO SETS YOUR HERITAGE!!!!??????
I'll tell you.
FAKE LEADERS of your tribe will set what your ethnic heritage is suppose to be.
God's commandments tells us not to let man set our identity and values.
agreed, Tribalism is not healthy, and it is very animal-like.