Deep inside a Delaware strip mall closet, an old, forgotten Pentium computer's NPC.EXE is running wild, compiling deranged and out-dated modmails that read... well, retarded like THIS! Any local frogs up for a mission? Please find & unplug this poor museum relic of a PC! It is suffering! 🐸
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No a diskette was larger (8 1/2 in.) than Floppy (5 1/4 in.) Floppy was what the PC world called their removable media product. IBM called it a diskette.
Yeah I still have a box of 8 1/2" disks with DOS and some 5/14 disks with Office 1. I never used them - a friend gave them to me, but I did use the 8 1/2 " disks on mainframes.
Nothing has a floppy drive now-a-days anyway.
Got old CD's, VHS tapes and Penis and noting to put any of them in.