It is actually difficult to find the truth, MSM media has put out so many articles debunking science, fact checking virology, you have to dig through pages of search results to find that established research shows viruses mutate to become weaker over time. This effort of course is for Pizer's benefit so they can sell more vaccines with future propaganda about a new deadly variant emerging.
For example: I found this article saying it is Virology 101, viruses become less deadly as they mutate.
Doctors react to study revealing COVID-19 mutations may be weakening: ‘This is virology 101’
Dr. Ramin Oskoui, a cardiologist and CEO of Foxhall Cardiology, reacted on Tuesday to a study that found a new coronavirus mutation reportedly mirrors a change that occurred as the SARS virus began to weaken, saying, “it’s well-known that as viruses progress, they typically mutate to weaker forms.”
This would make sense if you think about the spread of the virus on a grand scale. Deadly viruses will kill off the host, thus transmission of the deadliest version stops when the host dies. As the virus mutates, weaker versions are passed along from host to host. Over time the virus becomes less deadly because only weaker mutations continue to spread.
We have a election coming up, they need a reason to put the ballot drop boxes back in place. A new deadly Covid variant is their only option at this point. Do not believe their bullshit.
Here are some prime examples of MSM doing the dirty work for Pfizer, Trump told you they were fake news. Government scientists will say anything to get a paycheck. If you search the internet you will find a plethora of stories like the ones below. Why did they go to such lengths to debunk and fact check?
[[[This is brought to you by Pfizer]]] Thats why!!!
Science has been debunked and fact checked:
AP: Viruses can evolve to be more deadly
USA Today: Fact check: Yes, viruses can mutate to become more deadly
ABC News: Debunking the idea viruses evolve to become less deadly over time
Majority of the time you are correct, mutations are usually at detriment to thrivability, but not all mutations hurt survivability, the few that actually help or give advantage, in turn proliferates amongst it species - essentially this how speciation and evolution works. The few mutations that help survivability - whether it makes them stronger, bigger, easier to camouflage, or other survival mechanism, is how evolution works, as that mutated individuals genes becomes the majority as it outsurvives other members of that species.
If viruses weren’t subject to evolution and selective pressures like every other living organism, then you would be right, that the weaker subspecies may predominate the species population.