Just got a text from my daughter in Los Angeles (Miracle Mile area). She was out running errands while she could. It's been raining and windy. She figured she better finish up errands early today. She parked in a newer underground parking garage by the store and her car started rocking back and forth from an earthquake. She said it lasted about 30 seconds.
I looked up USGS and Ojai, California was hit with a 5.1 and since then they've had 5 more of 3.1 - 3.6 magnitude.
Got 3 kids. Weathered earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and unbearable heat with a broke AC with all 3. Got 4 grandkids now and only weathered one of the worst winter storms with them with near 2 weeks power outage. So far.
I dunno, after all sorts of natural disasters and 20 years of Bush/Obama wars (24yrs military from 88 to 12) and still breathing makes a person desensitized to things. Instills a "shit happens" frame of mind and if yer numbers up there ain't a thing you can fo about it.
Long way of saying relax, I reckon. If you taught her well instead of treating her like a princess, she'll be fine because she'll be smart/wise enough to know what to do. Ok?
Was just making the point a 5.3 ain't that bad, in perspective.