I keep asking this question and haven't received a single suggestion or reply.
We've got another shot at how we push back. How are we going to do it?
Do we have any legal paths we can take to head this bullshit off at the pass?
If you work from home, I'd imagine you don't have a lot of skin in the game. But if you're in the service industry or have to visit a bunch of different customers every week, this bullshit gets right in your face.
I gotta feed my family and really don't want to play this f'ing game again.
Please post ideas on how we can all band together somehow and push back hard. I never thought we'd be in this position in my lifetime... It's really pissing me off - especially how they're so blatant about how it's coming - How the F would anyone know that? They don't - but drunk on cuntroll, they want to do it again. F these f'ing f'ers.
I keep asking this question and haven't received a single suggestion or reply.
We've got another shot at how we push back. How are we going to do it?
Do we have any legal paths we can take to head this bullshit off at the pass?
If you work from home, I'd imagine you don't have a lot of skin in the game. But if you're in the service industry or have to visit a bunch of different customers every week, this bullshit gets right in your face.
I gotta feed my family and really don't want to play this f'ing game again.
Please post ideas on how we can all band together somehow and push back hard. I never thought we'd be in this position in my lifetime... It's really pissing me off - especially how they're so blatant about how it's coming - How the F would anyone know that? They don't - but drunk on cuntroll, they want to do it again. F these f'ing f'ers.