Was the pavement burning? Cause I would think that tires would need to be sitting on something that was burning before they just ignite. I know in brush fires at home tires have to be deeper into the brush to get the temp high enough for them to burn
750 degrees will ignite a rubber tire. The tire is full of air (oxygen). As soon as the fire punctures the side wall, it's all over. The pavement does not need to be on fire.
Tanks are plastic. If the tires burn the tank will melt. Only few vehicles have metal tanks and they are usually antiques. I have pulled many tanks out to change pumps. The tanks would melt right along with the tires. But they arn’t.
But how does the fuel not explode? Gas goes boom when contained and ignited. It goes 💥
Vehicles have a closed loop fueling system and no air is allowed inside of the system. Without oxygen fuel cannot ignite, burn or explode.
Was the pavement burning? Cause I would think that tires would need to be sitting on something that was burning before they just ignite. I know in brush fires at home tires have to be deeper into the brush to get the temp high enough for them to burn
750 degrees will ignite a rubber tire. The tire is full of air (oxygen). As soon as the fire punctures the side wall, it's all over. The pavement does not need to be on fire.
But a 750 deg flame has to get that close to the tire and if it’s sitting on pavement where did the flame come from
Tanks are plastic. If the tires burn the tank will melt. Only few vehicles have metal tanks and they are usually antiques. I have pulled many tanks out to change pumps. The tanks would melt right along with the tires. But they arn’t.