Benny Johnson on Twitter— "Meet John. John is a small town North Carolina businessman & father. John had his Trump sign burned down by a Democrat arsonist. What you did NOT see is the Democrat could have KILLED John’s 3 sleeping children by setting his house ablaze🔥 CHARGE HIM!"
🔥🔥 ARSON & Democrats 🔥🔥
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Well Son of a Bitch! This guy is you, me ... most all of us, in some way , shape, or form. Just tryin to live his quiet comfortable life..
And all it takes IS ONE FAG!. A bicyclist, a middle aged secretary named Janet, a barrista with neon hair , from your favorite coffee spot!
I read it here everyday, "THEY FUCKIN HATE YOU" , or "THEY WANT YOU DEAD". .
What these pussies dont kno,, is that outside city li-mits, its a different ballgame
In the small towns?
Link for Reference
Liberals are arsonists
Not to sound like a doomer, but without knowing who the sheriff is for that area, I bet nothing will happen to the arsonist. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets away with it.
That's realistic, not dooming.
I will be surprised if they don't come back and finish the job.
I would be on the phone with the DA every single day