I certainly don’t want to put words in your mouth so please clarify. It sounds like you’re quoting Apostle Paul and using his words to describe and condone using the the Law of Attraction, which is not of God but rather satan.
The closest a God fearing person can come to this is prayer but prayer is quite different. A believer carries the spirit of Christ in them and prayer may involve asking for things of God but whether our request is granted or we are to endure through the path he sees better for us through denial is solely up to Him and his will. Not our focused thought.
I believe the first words of Paul you quoted refer to our outlook being shaped by where are thoughts dwell. Not trying to manifest our thoughts.
The second part explains that what we desire is what will lead our thinking and ultimately to our actions. It refers to the folly of desiring anything other than God.
I would love to. However, that is not an easy task.
Let me start by stating the obvious: I did not write about the law of attraction. And if this discussion is to be about that, that is forum sliding. So, we now can both be positive on this point, yes? (harsh, am I not?).
You are trying to task me with: clarification. I won’t do such a thing. First, your request rests upon a false assumption. Second, you are better served with clarifying it for yourself. Allow me to expand on that.
I posed the question: what is a thought-stopper?
Do you know what it is? Did you research that term? If not, what prevented you?
Of course, the label already gives it away. A thought-stopper is a conviction coupled with emotion that stops a thought right in it’s tracks.
Our government would never do such a thing.
The conviction but especially the emotion behind it is palpable, isn’t it. Were you once of that persuasion? I have known quite a number of people who thought like that. They no longer do.
This process of erasing a thought-stopper can be painful. Very painful, indeed. It could even instill nostaligia or melancholy for times passed. But it is all based on conviction and emotion.
Let’s analyse what you wrote.
It sounds like (perception based on assumption)
I believe (conviction)
the folly (judgement)
Those are convictions.
not of God but rather satan
the folly
This shows the emotion. Because behind these views lies what? Of course, there is no need to answer these questions here. I would advice you, to be honest with yourself.
I posed the question: what is a thought stopper?
Note what you wrote:
which is not of God but rather satan
That is a thought-stopper, right there. Becoming aware of thought-stoppers is important, as these inhibit our ability to think freely and clearly.
How can you clarify?
By setting aside the notion I am writing about the law of attraction at all in the first place. I did not write it. You inferred it. It cannot be anything other, can it?
How to get rid of it?
By being totally aware of what happens in terms of emotion within you. Let it play. Observe it. Observe it fully. Now, take it into your hands, open the window, and let it be taken by the wind. Or flush it through the toilet.
Now you are aware of a space, once filled with that emotion. Fill it with love, fill it with peace, fill it joy. Observe it fully.
Now you have taken the sting out of the bite. The bite now is merely a mental projection which is false. When I now write: I did not write such a thing, the question becomes: what was I then alluding to?
Now your mind is free to explore and gain deeper insight. Reread my post, please, and meditate on it. Take your time to consider all aspects.
Remember the designation: clock when speaking about the galaxy? It is a Newtonian mechanistic view. It is a truism, in a sense, and yet as faulty as can be. The more you know....!
I certainly don’t want to put words in your mouth so please clarify. It sounds like you’re quoting Apostle Paul and using his words to describe and condone using the the Law of Attraction, which is not of God but rather satan.
The closest a God fearing person can come to this is prayer but prayer is quite different. A believer carries the spirit of Christ in them and prayer may involve asking for things of God but whether our request is granted or we are to endure through the path he sees better for us through denial is solely up to Him and his will. Not our focused thought.
I believe the first words of Paul you quoted refer to our outlook being shaped by where are thoughts dwell. Not trying to manifest our thoughts.
The second part explains that what we desire is what will lead our thinking and ultimately to our actions. It refers to the folly of desiring anything other than God.
I would love to. However, that is not an easy task.
Let me start by stating the obvious: I did not write about the law of attraction. And if this discussion is to be about that, that is forum sliding. So, we now can both be positive on this point, yes? (harsh, am I not?).
You are trying to task me with: clarification. I won’t do such a thing. First, your request rests upon a false assumption. Second, you are better served with clarifying it for yourself. Allow me to expand on that.
I posed the question: what is a thought-stopper?
Do you know what it is? Did you research that term? If not, what prevented you?
Of course, the label already gives it away. A thought-stopper is a conviction coupled with emotion that stops a thought right in it’s tracks.
The conviction but especially the emotion behind it is palpable, isn’t it. Were you once of that persuasion? I have known quite a number of people who thought like that. They no longer do.
This process of erasing a thought-stopper can be painful. Very painful, indeed. It could even instill nostaligia or melancholy for times passed. But it is all based on conviction and emotion.
Let’s analyse what you wrote.
Those are convictions.
This shows the emotion. Because behind these views lies what? Of course, there is no need to answer these questions here. I would advice you, to be honest with yourself.
I posed the question: what is a thought stopper?
Note what you wrote:
That is a thought-stopper, right there. Becoming aware of thought-stoppers is important, as these inhibit our ability to think freely and clearly.
How can you clarify?
By setting aside the notion I am writing about the law of attraction at all in the first place. I did not write it. You inferred it. It cannot be anything other, can it?
How to get rid of it?
By being totally aware of what happens in terms of emotion within you. Let it play. Observe it. Observe it fully. Now, take it into your hands, open the window, and let it be taken by the wind. Or flush it through the toilet.
Now you are aware of a space, once filled with that emotion. Fill it with love, fill it with peace, fill it joy. Observe it fully.
Now you have taken the sting out of the bite. The bite now is merely a mental projection which is false. When I now write: I did not write such a thing, the question becomes: what was I then alluding to?
Now your mind is free to explore and gain deeper insight. Reread my post, please, and meditate on it. Take your time to consider all aspects.
Remember the designation: clock when speaking about the galaxy? It is a Newtonian mechanistic view. It is a truism, in a sense, and yet as faulty as can be. The more you know....!
Be well, fren.