The official story is that she was incensed by 9PM-ish when she realized she wasn't going to win. Remember she had meticulously planned out the whole evening to be her coronation. They rigged the election. She would win easily. She would declare victory relatively early in the evening counting on the Left Coast to come in heavy blue and seal the deal. She was going to wear all white. They had Jesus imagery prepared for the camera angles. She had fireworks prepped for the celebration. She'd been practicing her "glass ceiling-breaking" acceptance speech for 8 years since she lost to Hussein.
When it did happen, she apparently raged like a demon screaming obscenities at literally everyone. She was wild with anger, confusion, betrayal. I honestly don't think she had touched a drop of alcohol. That was just her personality on full display. She was notorious for it. Secret Service had commented on it when she got into fights with Slicky Willy during his presidency. When you scream like that for as long as she apparently did, it blows out your vocal cords. You get terribly hoarse and eventually lose your voice.
Just following the official narrative, we'd have a good reason to know why her voice was "different."
That doesn't rule out that something else was going on. Frankly, I don't think she would have been able to make the call in her state. My suspicion is that she made an advisor call in her name pretending to be her to create the illusion of statesmanly behavior. I don't think Hillary ever conceded.
You get points for a vivid recounting. Also, when a person is going through a furious explosion, their cognitive centers are deranged by emotion and it is likely she had a hard time simply speaking coherently (if it was her). Possibly, she was reading from a short script that somebody else had to write. She may have been coaxed or caged into having the call, just for the sake of "optics." That would be consistent with her later rejection of the election's legitimacy.
302 is also an F.B.I case summary document. I wonder why “she didn't sound like herself”
The official story is that she was incensed by 9PM-ish when she realized she wasn't going to win. Remember she had meticulously planned out the whole evening to be her coronation. They rigged the election. She would win easily. She would declare victory relatively early in the evening counting on the Left Coast to come in heavy blue and seal the deal. She was going to wear all white. They had Jesus imagery prepared for the camera angles. She had fireworks prepped for the celebration. She'd been practicing her "glass ceiling-breaking" acceptance speech for 8 years since she lost to Hussein.
When it did happen, she apparently raged like a demon screaming obscenities at literally everyone. She was wild with anger, confusion, betrayal. I honestly don't think she had touched a drop of alcohol. That was just her personality on full display. She was notorious for it. Secret Service had commented on it when she got into fights with Slicky Willy during his presidency. When you scream like that for as long as she apparently did, it blows out your vocal cords. You get terribly hoarse and eventually lose your voice.
Just following the official narrative, we'd have a good reason to know why her voice was "different."
That doesn't rule out that something else was going on. Frankly, I don't think she would have been able to make the call in her state. My suspicion is that she made an advisor call in her name pretending to be her to create the illusion of statesmanly behavior. I don't think Hillary ever conceded.
I'd love to see the video of that night. They said the room she was in was trashed.
Didn't DJT offer to by her fireworks for pennies on the dollar afterwards?
You get points for a vivid recounting. Also, when a person is going through a furious explosion, their cognitive centers are deranged by emotion and it is likely she had a hard time simply speaking coherently (if it was her). Possibly, she was reading from a short script that somebody else had to write. She may have been coaxed or caged into having the call, just for the sake of "optics." That would be consistent with her later rejection of the election's legitimacy.
And reported that she had to be sedated.
Remember the pre-printed TIME magazine cover; 'Madam President' had to be retracted! A national recall from the news stands!
I assumed she was drunk.
on adrenochrome
Body double?