Why is Trump such a polarizing figure?
Think about it. No one is neutral on Trump. People like us are passionate Trump supporters. Many are virulent opponents. But I know of no one who is of the mind "Trump? He's OK, I guess. " What's your experience been?
The libs always say something like;"He is a liar." Then I ask them to tell me one thing he has lie about. Crickets.
This is true. When I ask someone specifically what they don’t like about Pres Trump, they say they “just don’t like him.” “Why?” Crickets. It’s brainwashing, I think.
That’s my grandma, too. She’s 90 but more with it than a lot of 30 years olds. Diehard Dem. She says she will always vote Dem no matter what. You try to point out how she’s struggling to buy food now and my parents have to send Hello Fresh 3x a week and she can’t afford to travel much anymore like she did and rent and utilities are rising and gas is super high and all her friends can’t afford to eat out like they used to in groups and crime is up. She can’t go to NyC anymore like she did since that’s where she’s from..and the masks, jabs and lockdowns and general tyranny but she won’t change her mind and all her friends are the same. It’s maddening. Its infuriating. It’s brainwashing.
Wow, that's just like my 93-yr-old mother! My sister, who lives with her, is a little more flexible, and just might, might, see the light before long.
Musk explained how he became a conservative by not changing. 😠https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519735033950470144/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1519735033950470144%7Ctwgr%5Ef119e8a338db034f686015c1c201a140fd1669b2%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-31917783952587153484.ampproject.net%2F2308112021001%2Fframe.html
Curious as I have heard but still not seen and that is did Elon really kick Trump off X (Twitter)? Does anyone know???
They don't like him because if they did, they'd have to agree with him that the other side are criminals who have been deliberately wrecking our lives just so they can stay in power and keep control.
They hate having to think about that or - even worse - consider doing something about it. It's far easier to kill the messenger than go after the monsters who are the real cause, especially when MSM insists that it's all the messengers fault and there are no monsters.
But we know there are monsters and we are no longer afraid of the truth.
I sent my sister the video of how the media has been portraying Trump, but she said she said "I hate politics, can't vote and if I could, I would never vote for him. I'm sure he has many good qualities but wish he would just go back to real estate and television shows"