Why is Trump such a polarizing figure?
Think about it. No one is neutral on Trump. People like us are passionate Trump supporters. Many are virulent opponents. But I know of no one who is of the mind "Trump? He's OK, I guess. " What's your experience been?
there is an earnest effort going on, covert more than overt, but becoming more overt, at demoralizing the nation for a communist revolution.
Part of that effort is a massive psyop. The victims of this psyop are either knowingly or unknowingly becoming blatantly anti-human and anti-American. Selfish, carnal, secular-humanist, no black or white right or wrong. And VERY easily manipulated.
Trump represents the exact opposite of all this.
He is a free-thinker, he is aggressive, he is passionate, he is pro-human, pro-America, and believes in dignity and self sufficiency.
This is like holy water on a witch. It's like rubbing the cat fur backwards. It's like showing a picture of Mohammed being birthed out of a pig to a Muslim.
It's like saying the name of Jesus to a demon posessed person.
The psyop isn't just communist, it's satanic.
That right there is enough for me to be Pro Trump. ---->>> The Reaction is Proof.