Why is Trump such a polarizing figure?
Think about it. No one is neutral on Trump. People like us are passionate Trump supporters. Many are virulent opponents. But I know of no one who is of the mind "Trump? He's OK, I guess. " What's your experience been?
She won't talk about it because she knows, but the truth is just to frightening to face directly - the "truth" being that we've been controlled by psychopathic criminals all our lives and Trump has been our only respite in many decades.
Realizing that all the shit we go through just trying to stay alive doesn't have to happen and is, in fact, deliberately inflicted on us for control, is too horrible to consider. So they don't.
But I am convinced that if they go silent after years of arguing with you, it's because the wheels in their heads are starting to turn. The know the truth even if they can't face it yet. But it's coming.