Ive said that .win and in particular GAW is a whitehat asset and operation. I came over from thedonald and then came to the wins when that started and then graduated from thedonald.win to gaw once i woke the fuck up. Kinda like going from the minor leagues to the pros lol. But in all seriousness this site was created by whitehats and the wins are hosted by whitehats and i believe several posters are elements of the Q team dropping crumbs and guiding our awakening. I believe there is probably at least one member of the Q team on here as well and not just surrogates like Jan. The DS would have shut us down long ago if they could've because we are dead on and dangerous to them sharing the truth about everything.
Ive said that .win and in particular GAW is a whitehat asset and operation. I came over from thedonald and then came to the wins when that started and then graduated from thedonald.win to gaw once i woke the fuck up. Kinda like going from the minor leagues to the pros lol. But in all seriousness this site was created by whitehats and the wins are hosted by whitehats and i believe several posters are elements of the Q team dropping crumbs and guiding our awakening. I believe there is probably at least one member of the Q team on here as well and not just surrogates like Jan. The DS would have shut us down long ago if they could've because we are dead on and dangerous to them sharing the truth about everything.
Something tells me Space Force is involved as well.