Are you thinking the cabal is fighting back against WH’s by setting fires with a side plan of hopefully seizing land for their developments?
That’s definitely a possibility in the past, but I actually believe WH’s are in control, cabal has been or is being dealt with and everything we’re witnessing happen is to wake ppl up.
I live in Texas and last year there were 12,211 reported wildfires totaling 650,712 acres.
Bottom line is that White hats do not take countless lives senselessly so it is either a black hat 'op' or they really are random fires. Fires do happen all the time. Forests would catch fire before humans even existed. White hats will kill, yes but they will not kill large numbers senselessly so it's not a white hat op. Period.
I think part of it is the cabal is fighting back & part of it are the plans the cabal made a while ago being played out. I would bet Klaus asked Trudeau quite a while ago to burn those woods for sort of plan for the cabal. Maui too. The white hats probably threw off their timing & maybe even the purpose of the burns. (They might have been planned so they could build 15 minute cities) but maybe now they are doing them as a reaction to the white hats. Remember, they are not very good with coming up with ideas. They work like a mafia where original thought is not only discouraged - it is punishable with death. So they can't come up with original thoughts. If Klaus (or whoever it is) came up with the idea of a fire in such & such place then they are capable of carrying it out. It might be like the 'covid' 'pandemic.' It was planned as a way for Hilary to usher in Marshal law & etc but they used it to try to oust Trump by making as excuse for mail in ballots. They can't come up with new ideas so they repurpose old ideas
When the devil knows his time is short he get's even more nasty & doesn't care who is hurt. IDK if it is even smart enough to know it is doomed. I'm not sure it is even fully conscious. Why does the fly keep smashing it's head on the windowpane? Is it really too stupid to figure it out or is it a knee jerk reaction? Does it even make sense to know? What does it mean to know???? Pigs are intelligent enough to know that they are being slaughtered but nevertheless, no pig will just offer itself up. There will be a fight.
OK so you are saying it's images of fire ravaged places & destroyed lives. That's a possible WH psy-op. sure. The rest of your argument is a maybe. I would bet more on my scenario but, true, either is a possibility
They’re not.
Are you thinking the cabal is fighting back against WH’s by setting fires with a side plan of hopefully seizing land for their developments?
That’s definitely a possibility in the past, but I actually believe WH’s are in control, cabal has been or is being dealt with and everything we’re witnessing happen is to wake ppl up.
Georgia 3,621 Oklahoma 2,811 Florida 2,784 Alabama 2,710 Mississippi 1,980 Arkansas 1,903
Bottom line is that White hats do not take countless lives senselessly so it is either a black hat 'op' or they really are random fires. Fires do happen all the time. Forests would catch fire before humans even existed. White hats will kill, yes but they will not kill large numbers senselessly so it's not a white hat op. Period.
I think part of it is the cabal is fighting back & part of it are the plans the cabal made a while ago being played out. I would bet Klaus asked Trudeau quite a while ago to burn those woods for sort of plan for the cabal. Maui too. The white hats probably threw off their timing & maybe even the purpose of the burns. (They might have been planned so they could build 15 minute cities) but maybe now they are doing them as a reaction to the white hats. Remember, they are not very good with coming up with ideas. They work like a mafia where original thought is not only discouraged - it is punishable with death. So they can't come up with original thoughts. If Klaus (or whoever it is) came up with the idea of a fire in such & such place then they are capable of carrying it out. It might be like the 'covid' 'pandemic.' It was planned as a way for Hilary to usher in Marshal law & etc but they used it to try to oust Trump by making as excuse for mail in ballots. They can't come up with new ideas so they repurpose old ideas
When the devil knows his time is short he get's even more nasty & doesn't care who is hurt. IDK if it is even smart enough to know it is doomed. I'm not sure it is even fully conscious. Why does the fly keep smashing it's head on the windowpane? Is it really too stupid to figure it out or is it a knee jerk reaction? Does it even make sense to know? What does it mean to know???? Pigs are intelligent enough to know that they are being slaughtered but nevertheless, no pig will just offer itself up. There will be a fight.
*I agree White Hats don’t take countless lives senselessly, that’s why I don’t think the vaxx that Trump had talked kindly about actually hurt anyone.
OK so you are saying it's images of fire ravaged places & destroyed lives. That's a possible WH psy-op. sure. The rest of your argument is a maybe. I would bet more on my scenario but, true, either is a possibility
Do you think White Hats allowed for a deadly vaxx?
Nice speech but I’m not buying it.
We’re not at the end of an operation to take out the cabal, we’re at the end “hopefully” of a psyop to wake ppl up.
The take out has been done and now ppl get to wake up and find out why it had to happen.
By the way I’m doubtful ppl died in that fire in Maui.
Where are all the family members of the dead? Where are the kids? If they’re dead, why aren’t we seeing 1000s of outcries from ppl related to them?
I could go one with a list of missing effects that we should be seeing from and event like Maui, but you get the point.