In her interview video, Lani claimed that after she drove over the police's cones, it took her only 45 minutes to reach her home. Which was AWAY from the fire. She said that during that 45 minutes. There was NO fire, NO smoke, NO car, NO nothing on that very safe road.
After the drove over the police's cone then reached safety, Lani contacted her trapped friends. Telling them to get OUT NOW. Because the fire was coming toward them very fast.
Other witnesses said that most people who complied with the police's directions and choose to stayed at the blocked roads DIED from either smoke or fire.
During the fire:
What is the name of the people who put those cones there?
What is the name of the people who blocked those streets?
Did anybody asked the name of the people who did this above? ID them? Were they legit?
After the fire:
Did anybody contacted the police, asking them if they did the actions above?
If the police answered yes, who ordered to block those street sand put those cones?
I believe that most police office are Good people. While at the same time, if this is true that all roads were blocked by police, then a minority of police at the top, the less than 1% are either very incompetent or have Evil behaviors.
WHY would ANY 'police' block a road during a massive Fire? They could Not Think anyone would drive into the fire, so this IS exactly what everyone is claiming.
They could Not Think anyone would drive into the fire
According to Lani, the police's blocked road was going AWAY from the fire. Not into the fire.
In her interview video, she claimed that after she drove over the police's cones, it took her only 45 minutes to reach her home. Which was AWAY from the fire. She said that during that 45 minutes. There was NO fire, NO smoke, NO car, NO nothing on that very safe road.
After the drove over the police's cone then reached safety, Lani contacted her trapped friends. Telling them to get OUT NOW. Because the fire was coming toward them very fast.
Other witnesses said that most people who complied with the police's directions and choose to stayed at the blocked roads DIED from either smoke or fire.
The police and utilities may have been told that power lines were down and cones needed to be placed to shut down roads. I think that might be the official reasoning.
In her interview video, Lani claimed that after she drove over the police's cones, it took her only 45 minutes to reach her home. Which was AWAY from the fire. She said that during that 45 minutes. There was NO fire, NO smoke, NO car, NO nothing on that very safe road.
After the drove over the police's cone then reached safety, Lani contacted her trapped friends. Telling them to get OUT NOW. Because the fire was coming toward them very fast.
Other witnesses said that most people who complied with the police's directions and choose to stayed at the blocked roads DIED from either smoke or fire.
During the fire:
What is the name of the people who put those cones there?
What is the name of the people who blocked those streets?
Did anybody asked the name of the people who did this above? ID them? Were they legit?
After the fire:
Did anybody contacted the police, asking them if they did the actions above?
If the police answered yes, who ordered to block those street sand put those cones?
I believe that most police office are Good people. While at the same time, if this is true that all roads were blocked by police, then a minority of police at the top, the less than 1% are either very incompetent or have Evil behaviors.
Backup Extract Video
Full Video
Her name is Lani
Full 20 minutes video interview at
starting at 60 seconds (?start=60)
What you allow is what will continue
This guy has done more investigations than anyone else and is actually trying to get the truth out.
WHY would ANY 'police' block a road during a massive Fire? They could Not Think anyone would drive into the fire, so this IS exactly what everyone is claiming.
According to Lani, the police's blocked road was going AWAY from the fire. Not into the fire.
In her interview video, she claimed that after she drove over the police's cones, it took her only 45 minutes to reach her home. Which was AWAY from the fire. She said that during that 45 minutes. There was NO fire, NO smoke, NO car, NO nothing on that very safe road.
After the drove over the police's cone then reached safety, Lani contacted her trapped friends. Telling them to get OUT NOW. Because the fire was coming toward them very fast.
Other witnesses said that most people who complied with the police's directions and choose to stayed at the blocked roads DIED from either smoke or fire.
The police and utilities may have been told that power lines were down and cones needed to be placed to shut down roads. I think that might be the official reasoning.
They're required to check validity of that before blocking a means of just dont throw barricades up.