I know many of you have seen the video and picture , but many have not...
Show me any other President in US history to have the military with them while they do their inauguration speech...
Special note, who was standing by Trump specifically?..
Why is this important?.
DJT, Military Intel, & JAG

And from what we are hearing, the Fulton Co. indictment and arrest has STIRRED up the people of color in a way that has not happened before...........when you get arrested, as so many black males have been, then there is a bond, a closeness, a recognizing that THE MAN has struct again. This segment of society is circling Trump and recognizing that HE IS THE ONE WHO HAS THEIR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. What a plan......so brilliant that no one but GOD can take credit for it. I finally am liking these closing minutes of the MOVIE. An Oct. 23rd trial date!!!!!! The good guys have been collecting evidence for several years now, so when it is brought to the LIGHT, it is GAME OVER. Is CHRISTMAS 2023 going to be the best Christmas ever, per Q?
And the info about Haiti has yet to drop…
I hadn’t heard the trial date. That’s actually really good news!