Looking at Oprah a little bit more closely
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Oprah Winfrey and Rita Ora: https://www.closerweekly.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/oprah-winfrey-rita-ora.jpg?w=1660&h=480&crop=1
Oprah offering Rita to Harvey Weinstein: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DS_n45pV4AA-_Q4?format=jpg&name=large
Rita’s new look after meeting Harvey: https://telegrafi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/rita-ora-weinstein-780x439.jpg
Rita’s new look: https://cdn.platinumlist.net/upload/artist/rita_ora_284-mobile.jpg
Thank you. I remember that.
🚀 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cd/e7/4e/cde74e2c6dfcdc578898351acdfd07db.gif
Howls. Good one.
The day she’s arrested will be epic.
Yes. Amen.
I bet she stocked up on adrenochrome...
New name is gonna be ROperah, cuz y'all are getting the rope on Must See TV soon...
Ouch. Good name.
The headline that Oprah was cancelled for stealing land needs to be analyzed further.
How do you steal land by paying a seller? Should the sellers be punished? Should selling land be illegal? This is absurd.
She bought supplies for victims with her own money? Well that is more than Biden did with government money for the Hawaiians.
We just need to keep an eye on that because I heard people getting calls to sell their lands while they were still being refugees trying to get supplies and lived.