Well, it's understandable to question the situation, because we've been lied to in myriad ways over a really long period of time. Our powers of discernment have sharpened considerably over these last 5 years, though. It seems to me that the heavy lifting is done, otherwise she wouldn't be cleared to come out in public to say all of this (and continue to breathe). My personal view is that she's the real deal, exactly who she says she is, and doing exactly what she says she's doing.
Well, it's understandable to question the situation, because we've been lied to in myriad ways over a really long period of time. Our powers of discernment have sharpened considerably over these last 5 years, though. It seems to me that the heavy lifting is done, otherwise she wouldn't be cleared to come out in public to say all of this (and continue to breathe). My personal view is that she's the real deal, exactly who she says she is, and doing exactly what she says she's doing.
It just makes sense.