Payload of a 737 is 23 tons
650 shipments is 14,950 tons
14,950 tons is 29,900,000 lbs
29.9M lbs is 538,200,000 troy oz of gold (18 tr oz per lb)
538.2M troy oz * $1950/oz is $1,049,490,000,000 ($1.05 trillion)
Payload of a 737 is 23 tons
650 shipments is 14,950 tons
14,950 tons is 29,900,000 lbs
29.9M lbs is 538,200,000 troy oz of gold (18 tr oz per lb)
538.2M troy oz * $1950/oz is $1,049,490,000,000 ($1.05 trillion)
Even here we have to be careful of the new shiny object of hopium. Whenever someone claims to have insider status in a public manner it almost always means they do not. I think we will be surprised who the real good guys and bad guys are in the end.