Ask the You Know the Agency how much money they lost on that scam. Now ask if he collected evidence on you know the Agency to testify in a future Military Tribunal.
Where's a good ice heart attack dart when you need one? Inagine how irritated the see eye aye would be if he ratted them out about the 6 billion they paid him.
Do I believe he is alive? Yes. Do I believe he is plotting revenge on Putin ? No.
Do I believe he will testify at Military Tribunals ? Yes.
Q stated the nuclear scare event was needed. These was your sign the major nuclear powers are working together. Q also said enjoy the movie and asked what makes a great movie.
Now we will keep eyes on this as the truth will surface.
Just keep in mind that MI6 has some influence over British media.
Exactly. They also supported Soros.
Appears we were right early on.
Totally called it and said this guy is alive on previous post!
I suspect he collected evidence on You know the Agency and will testify at Military Tribunals.
Just like he was going to take putin out a month ago?
Sounds like more left wing fan fiction.
Ask the You Know the Agency how much money they lost on that scam. Now ask if he collected evidence on you know the Agency to testify in a future Military Tribunal.
Where's a good ice heart attack dart when you need one? Inagine how irritated the see eye aye would be if he ratted them out about the 6 billion they paid him.
I suspect he will be testifying at Military Tribunals.
Do I believe he is alive? Yes. Do I believe he is plotting revenge on Putin ? No. Do I believe he will testify at Military Tribunals ? Yes. Q stated the nuclear scare event was needed. These was your sign the major nuclear powers are working together. Q also said enjoy the movie and asked what makes a great movie.
Now we will keep eyes on this as the truth will surface.