Not really. Anyone pushing one personality over another is not to be trusted. It is highly doubtful this Dr.Dannielles attack on General Flynn and pushing of Linn Wood comes from anything other than "a feeling". The fact that she needed to make this a point, which actually reads as the main point of the thread, tells me that this is narrative sculpting. It makes the entire post completely worthless.
I trust Trump. Trump is confident and cozy so I am too. Trump is signal. Everyone else is noise. Ill wait until the credits to determine who was a real Patriot and who was playing us. Trump knows this now and thats what matters.
Not really. Anyone pushing one personality over another is not to be trusted. It is highly doubtful this Dr.Dannielles attack on General Flynn and pushing of Linn Wood comes from anything other than "a feeling". The fact that she needed to make this a point, which actually reads as the main point of the thread, tells me that this is narrative sculpting. It makes the entire post completely worthless.
I trust Trump. Trump is confident and cozy so I am too. Trump is signal. Everyone else is noise. Ill wait until the credits to determine who was a real Patriot and who was playing us. Trump knows this now and thats what matters.