Biden cancels $72 million in student loan debt for borrowers who went to for-profit Ashford University | CNN Politics
Even though President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program was blocked by the Supreme Court earlier this year, his administration is moving forward with more targeted student debt cancellations allowed under existing programs.
I work in an industry where I see people’s credit reports and qualify them for loans. I was given a letter yesterday from a client that she just received from NelNet/DOE that said her $60k+ student loans on her credit report were forgiven, the new balance is $0 and she owes no more payments. The letter went on to say it was thanks to the Biden/Harris administration. THIS is how the left is campaigning for 2024! I shook my head in dismay and totally agree that this can’t be legal but I was looking at it in writing.
Additionally, the “Biden/Harris“ administration has made sure that these people will also not pay taxes on the forgiven money like homeowners did during all the short sales in 2007/2008!
So disgusted.
Follow up on her credit report in a year or two. The tax bill from this loan forgiveness is going to hit these people like a ton of bricks.
Google this student loan forgiveness plan, and you will find that they have safe guards in place that prevent the borrower from being taxed on the forgiven amount! That’s the part that irritates me the most
I know the last plan had this in it and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. How has this not been challenged yet especially after flying in the face of the last Supreme Court ruling…
I feel like they’re just trying to overwhelm the justice system with all the crap they’re pulling.
I can’t speak for all the cases, but for a significant number, such as my case, the loans are being forgiven under existing law which allows your remaining balance to be forgiven after you’ve made 25 or 30 years of consistent loan payments, depending on the type of loans. In my case, I made the mistake of consolidating my ex-wife’s student loans with mine back in the day so we just had one payment. Her portion was much more than mine, however because they were now in my name, I got stuck with them after we divorced a dozen years later. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and I was looking for a new fixed rate loan to refinance the balance of around $40k at a lower rate when I discovered the balance was now zero. I thought it was an error, but a couple days later I received a letter stating that because I’d made 300 payments, the balance was waived, and that I’d in fact get a small refund for overpayment. The law was there, but in the past you had to file for the forgiveness. Now it seems they are being proactive. The letter also states that any waived balance is NOT considered federally taxable. State law may vary. Do I feel guilty for getting the loan forgiven? Not one bit. After 25 yrs I already paid far more than the original balance back to the Feds.
My clients student loans were less than 10 years old, and she has never made a payment, ever. She has been in deferment the entire time. I looked more into that regulation that let you be forgiven after a certain number of years and the way it’s written Includes zero payments. Meaning someone can be deferred forever and then finally get it for free. I took my daughters student loans out in my name instead of hers so that she was not burned right out of college and I paid over $100,000!
I know a couple of people who got their loans forgiven. I asked them about the tax bill and they insisted they were told they don't have to pay taxes on it and it's not considered income. I guess we'll see.