And probably had no symptoms. I never did understand people who constantly wanted to test themselves. "So and so tested positive and I was at their house the other day". So? Are you sick? Do you feel badly? Then go on about your business you big baby.
I couldn't even be bothered to hide my disdain anymore when I'd hear "So and so can't be here because her second cousin's wife has covid and she tested positive, she feels fine but wants to be safe." Sigh.
My mom was wrong about one thing. No, Mom, my eyes DO NOT stick that way when I roll them.
They had one, now they have seven. Poof! 700% increase.
It's probably not even covid cases. Just people who randomly took the test, which doesn't work, and tested positive.
And probably had no symptoms. I never did understand people who constantly wanted to test themselves. "So and so tested positive and I was at their house the other day". So? Are you sick? Do you feel badly? Then go on about your business you big baby.
yep, no symptoms but test positive and they buy into this BS that they must be sick because the test said so. we are living in a messed up world.
I couldn't even be bothered to hide my disdain anymore when I'd hear "So and so can't be here because her second cousin's wife has covid and she tested positive, she feels fine but wants to be safe." Sigh. My mom was wrong about one thing. No, Mom, my eyes DO NOT stick that way when I roll them.