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Before you try, watch this video
Please make sure you do your own research. I am not a lawyer.
I'll listen to his lectures when I get a chance to focus on them.
But no matter what is in those lectures, he still died as a fugitive with warrants for his arrest for tax evasion.
And it doesn't matter what biased news reporters have to say, either.
Their opinions don't have anything to do with the fact that he had warrants out for his arrest for tax evasion when he died.
Just because I point out that he's not a success story for the Sovereign Citizens Movement doesn't mean I agree with the government's position on anything.
I simply found it bizarre that you brought him up as a response to me saying that I've never seen tactics used by the Sovereign Citizens Movement working in any court case. His story actually proves my point.
But we keep going around and around in circles here. And I don't know why. 🤷
I actually don't think he used the same tactics that the Sovereign Citizens Movement used...I think he studied and found a legal way not to pay taxes but of course was harassed with these warrants...nonetheless he was at odds with the government on just about everything. I thought it was pertinent...I guess not...we are going in circles because we don't see eye to eye...but that's okay...
Then why bring him up at all, if you think his case is not similar to what the Sovereign Citizens Movement does?
And if he found a legal way to avoid paying taxes, why did he dodge warrants for tax evasion for so long? Why not just go to trial and win his case?
I just can not, for the life of me, understand why you believe that his case somehow proves tactics used by the Sovereign Citizens Movement work to legally avoid paying taxes.
Because that is what the conversation was about when you brought him up.
It just makes no sense. None.