Due to the amazing reporting of Ben Wetmore and Patty McMurray and, of course, Jim Hoft over at the Gateway Pundit. This is the smoking gun, folks. It’s a smoking gun of widespread voter fraud in Michigan and also indicates widespread voter fraud across the country.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
I think many people are afraid this is just going to drag on and on and they will just die before there is any resolution.
Not trying to doom, just being honest.
Because I, personally, do worry that there will never be anything of significance that happens to resolve all this before I shuffle loose my mortal coil.
I know that everyone is all jazzed up for the next election and are convinced that Trump will be back in office soon. But I've been burned so many times that I'm trying to figure out what angle people will take for the next round of "It Had To Be This Way Because".
But I'm very worried that it's just going to be a repeat of the past. Which goes like this:
The majority of Anons are super confident that things will go how we want them to go, this time.
I see some glaring error of judgement or basic fundamental problem occurring that might prevent 1.
I try to alert other Anons to such issues in an attempt to avoid disaster or disappointment.
I get called a shill or doomer and banned a few times for it.
I give up trying to get others to see what I'm seeing, because of threats of being banned permanently. I note how everyone else seems to be absolutely convinced that things will go our way, this time.
Things DO NOT go our way.
People are angry and disillusioned. They lash out and voice their displeasure. And get banned for doing so.
Shit tons of Anons come out of the woodwork to tell people they shouldn't have gotten their hopes up in the first place because nothing is guaranteed, and it was always obvious there were reasons why things weren't going to go our way. (No idea where most of these people were hiding when I get put in time out for dooming, saying what they're saying. They certainly aren't vocal then.)
After a few days of people thinking things through (or just watching whatever online Q guru they prefer), we start hearing the first rounds of It Had To Be This Way Because.
Everyone seems to conveniently forget how convinced everyone was of number 1.
So, yeah.
Personally, I'm tempted to just get ahead of the curve and start working up my argument for when It Had To Be This Way Because begins.
Sometimes I wonder if this is what the Priestess Cassandra felt like. 🤷
This is the huge key, and this is what often turns communities into echo chambers.
The number of times I've seen people so certain about what they were saying only to be wrong and then backpedal and proclaim that they always believed otherwise is almost soul crushing on its own.
No single person here is an authority on literally anything. We are not in on the plan. Nothing is an unchallengeable fact. We only have what crumbs we are given, and what conclusions we reach -- but just like science, sometimes your methodology can be sound and you still come to the wrong conclusions.
Long time posters should absolutely be allowed to disagree with the narrative, because the great awakening can't even happen if we are all in lockstep with one single narrative anyway.
Well said.