NJ for all intent and purpose simply put IS and has been a police state for at LEAST 30 or 40 years. I grew up in NJ myself totally CORRUPT. I am in PA now and they are hardly less corrupt. The NJ State Police are enforcers and revenue producers. The Judges, Lawyers, and politicians also to name only a few are a RICO Organization.
Everything, and I mean everything in NJ is to take money from the working people, and give it to the lazy asses.
My mother of 70 years old pays 14000 a year for property tax because about 7000 of it goes to Camden {she lives in Camden county, therefore she must pay for Camden City}
The fact that they granted illegals drivers licenses and nobody batted a legal eyelash tells you all you need to know.
And Murphy winning reelection when it's quite simply impossible for that to have occurred.
I have even better insults for him. I had to deal with him personally here in NJ
NJ for all intent and purpose simply put IS and has been a police state for at LEAST 30 or 40 years. I grew up in NJ myself totally CORRUPT. I am in PA now and they are hardly less corrupt. The NJ State Police are enforcers and revenue producers. The Judges, Lawyers, and politicians also to name only a few are a RICO Organization.
Everything, and I mean everything in NJ is to take money from the working people, and give it to the lazy asses.
My mother of 70 years old pays 14000 a year for property tax because about 7000 of it goes to Camden {she lives in Camden county, therefore she must pay for Camden City}
The fact that they granted illegals drivers licenses and nobody batted a legal eyelash tells you all you need to know.
And Murphy winning reelection when it's quite simply impossible for that to have occurred.