These are poor and impoverished people who spent between $575 to $20,000 on a ticket, then rented a camp space for $80, got a vehicle permit for $60, spent $200 to a $1000 to join a camp, spent a ton of money on gas, airfare, and probably $6,000 to $12,000 on RV rental to go here.
Exactly. And they spent money on food/provisions/drugs and their gayyy costumes. I know a woman who went a few times. They spend months picking out the crap they’ll wear, getting supplies like butt wipes, lights for bikes and whatever they want to use for trading, spend money on their acts or art that gets destroyed when it’s over. And.. if they drove any vehicle at all, will spend about $500+ on having it pro cleaned because all that dust is brutal on an engine and even interiors.
This woman (calling her that loosely) is so proud of the fact she has attended, is now taking a sabbatical from teaching her community college speech class to write a book about her experiences at BM. She is sooo brave, she learned to ride a bike when she attended the first time. I think she may not be doing so well right now if she’s there. Sad.
They claim they’re all about self reliance, creativity, being their own person and hating capitalism. Right. I could rant on and on what is wrong about this but bottom line, it’s BS hedonism and evil.
And don't forget how they pull a muscle patting themselves on the back for "leaving no trace on the Playa." But then they dump their crap all over the roadways and parking lots.
So, Burning Man is a national disaster, but Maui and East Palestine are not?!?
Don't be so cold.
These are poor and impoverished people who spent between $575 to $20,000 on a ticket, then rented a camp space for $80, got a vehicle permit for $60, spent $200 to a $1000 to join a camp, spent a ton of money on gas, airfare, and probably $6,000 to $12,000 on RV rental to go here.
Think of all those ruined $1000 or more tents.
As you can see these are people barely making it.
Exactly. And they spent money on food/provisions/drugs and their gayyy costumes. I know a woman who went a few times. They spend months picking out the crap they’ll wear, getting supplies like butt wipes, lights for bikes and whatever they want to use for trading, spend money on their acts or art that gets destroyed when it’s over. And.. if they drove any vehicle at all, will spend about $500+ on having it pro cleaned because all that dust is brutal on an engine and even interiors.
This woman (calling her that loosely) is so proud of the fact she has attended, is now taking a sabbatical from teaching her community college speech class to write a book about her experiences at BM. She is sooo brave, she learned to ride a bike when she attended the first time. I think she may not be doing so well right now if she’s there. Sad.
They claim they’re all about self reliance, creativity, being their own person and hating capitalism. Right. I could rant on and on what is wrong about this but bottom line, it’s BS hedonism and evil.
And don't forget how they pull a muscle patting themselves on the back for "leaving no trace on the Playa." But then they dump their crap all over the roadways and parking lots.
I can kind of see the environmentalist’s point of view here. This happens on the way in and on the way out every year.