So-called "QAnon Queen of Canada" running around creating a ruckus, giving anons a bad name. Just another controlled-opposition VICE hit piece I guess.
🧠 These people are stupid!
Unless someone knows something I don't?
First glance though, she's claiming connection to Q & the white hats and yet she's running around shooting her mouth off and handing businesses cease & desist notices, upon threat of execution. "Choose how many bullets you want to the forehead by your actions"
I haven't seen a single shred of anything from Q that matches this MO.
I have friends that just eat up any of this kind of revenge & bluster talk, and I think this is another false flag op to discredit anons with short fuses who can't see through the smoke show.
Ego and narcissism are key indicators of someone not organic to the movement. This is about the children.
QuackQuack trust your intuition on her.
Well said
She sets up her “followers” for arrest, then bolts when the chips are down. She is a fraud. She has scammed people out of a lot of money.
yeah good point, it's more serious than just discrediting, it's really removing them from the scene.
This sure sounds like what i read about earlier today, about Donna Brazille calling for unconventional tactics against Trump and supporters.
It sure as hell doesn't sound like anything Anons would do, but I've never actually met a QAnon so...
Romana has been doing this for quite a while now. And it has not all been bad. She set up assistance for people in hardship so that others could help them. And during the hay shortages in Canada she had semi trucks loaded with hay bales delivered to ranchers for their cattle. It get's confusing And God knows that truthers were and are ready for something to get rid of that lying son of a bitch Turdeau
Fine, but we aren't replacing trudeau with a self declared queen. She can pound sand. If she's really doing humanitarian and community work, then keep doing that, don't declare yourself ruler over everyone just for a few kind acts.
And you know some who received hay I hope. We looked into this and found NOBODY who got any. Romana is a total waste of time but there will always be sheep looking for an ass to follow.
Not sure but if you rearrange the letters in the name it reads “ I am our Donald” so comms for sure?