WeatheredCoat 7 points ago +7 / -0

RL demands attention right now. I will address when I have time. Huge lie to be uncovered. Yes,we have the documentation to support claim.

WeatheredCoat 8 points ago +8 / -0

With all due respect DJT you should be aware that landmass called Canada is not a state or a country. In fact it is not a sovereign landmass at all.

The fed gov claiming control is a De Facto Inc given mandate over sea around,inland seas only but not Terra Firma or the people living there.

The conditions required to claim sovereignty was never met.

Ask UN, they are very well aware of this fact.

WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon jointly started GTV.

GW was arrested and convicted of fraud in NY. SB was named as co-conspirator but he was not charged. Had a ton of Hunter related video clips.

Guo Wengui a is very pro Trump billionaire running from CCP. Seems like one of the tentacles of the DS got him.

WeatheredCoat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Miss you guys

WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok I had to take a peek lol, I can relate to this community as I live in a similar one. 78 souls and slightly more remote but also in Saskatchewan.

Old followers of Q or trucker convoy will find this boring and old news. This is in case we have newly awakend amongst us who has never heard of this woman.

Found an article on CTV March 9, 2024,yes I know Bad,however fairly fresh. I won't link but look for '

The rise of Romana Didulo, self described 'Queen of Canada', and what she's up to now

'. For newbies I recommend the read despite source. It is a pretty correct summery they came up with.

I recall the hubla when she tried to settle in my area. Did not take long for locals to put the run on her and her sheep. Richmound tried same but her small group had leaned a lesson in Kamsack and managed to hang on long enough for the owner of the former school offer it to them. They jumped at it and as long as they minded their p&q's they could not get run out of the village.

W5 makes the clain that she is " a leading figure in the QAnon conspiracy movement, and has promoted the murder of police, politicians and those who oppose her ". Yeah right, there is no QAnon entity but CTV has to spin it. How I know this is that I happen on Q drop #1 when it was 4 hours old and stayed. Still here. She for a fact has had Zero leading role in Q or WH entities.

Saskatchewan is large in territory but small in population. 50% in cities and 50% in Rural, not much happens here without we all know via the 'jungle drums'. Many in community feel unsafe and some been harassed by this group.

If this group was true and none threatening Sask people would have welcomed them as we welcome All good folks. Living here,this is all I need to know.

Sorry for rant but I severely dislike scammers and fraudsters.

WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did a shallow dive into her years ago. I recall several fraud charges. In US and Canada both.

She tried to piggy back on Q and WH by claiming she had been selected by WH to lead Canada. I also recall this claim was denied. I wish I had saved the info but back then we had other things to dig into.

My take away back then was that she was a total fraud. Yes some idea are valid but I know for a fact that she stole them and modified for self gain. You recall her buying grain for a relief effort ?, newer bought a single kernel.

Want to be sovereign or just get up to speed on that bucket of worms go look for TheMythIsCanada get a copy for free titled Ho'Canada there. Banned in Canada for a reason. Really want a change ?, look up the solution page, truly a simple and peaceful mechanism.

WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +4 / -1

Will be glorious when the Iron Core can step forward. o7

Some of us seen though the smoke screen so very long.

WeatheredCoat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reported and recorded.

Good friend of mine is in total denial. Got jab and a few boosters. Massive infection that almost killed him. Survived that but now they had to remove his left shoulder. Next they fused his right knee. Spoke to him yesterday and now he is on list for emergency left hip replacement while telling him his diabetics is so bad they will have to take both legs sometime in spring.

Hard to watch. This man was a power house of energy and strength (Scottish descent)

WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Turmeric will work by it self however Black pepper will boost to x10 or more dependent on grade.

Remember NEVER to boil raw honey as heat will destroy the goodness.

I use water or milk heated up in a water bath (Micro waves BAD,do not own) with Turmeric and Pepper until very warm but not hot. After a few mins on counter to cool Raw Honey is added.

WeatheredCoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

100% correct.

Could use raw honey if hard to swallow.

WeatheredCoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thought hit me as I read this, what if !!!!!!

A majority of provinces slide left and in next Fed election the Trojan horse (skippy) in Canadian fed politics gets in. Would be a death stab to our way of life even in remote areas. Those in a city, you will regret not staying on the farm.

Every one should read this and do their own research. I did some and found it to be accurate.

fill blanks godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5641344/pg1?c1=1&c2=1&disclaimer=Continue

Yes, I am in SK

Edit, just checked live screen. SP 55% NDP 38%

WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Time is short now. For the first time ever we are under chemtrail sky in this semi remote area of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Woke to a bright blue morning. 3 hours later I get a call "check out the sky". Crisscross tiny tight white lines spanning from horizon to horizon. I heard a jet high up heading east. 15 min's later the lines open up as if there is a time delay build in. Now 30 mins later we are under a 'cloud' cover.

The long road is coming to an end. I have been waiting for this day. So many pieces to this puzzle.

WeatheredCoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just spoke to a buddy who has friends in Cuba. They own a resort and has lived there for years. According to them this is normal misinformation. The explanation I was given is that tourist season is around the corner and this is one way the DS/Cabal limit Cuba's income via tourism as punishment not surrendering to the dark side.

I personally never thought that DS/Cabal opponents would be targeted this way but after 30 sec thinking on it makes total sense. We know who is fighting the DS/Cabal entity and Cuba is most defiantly on the their side.

Sad to say but it appears that I as a former military man has been on the wrong side all my life. To old to relocate so I am doing all I can to spread the truth locally face to face as I now see it. We been played hard from birth. In my area I will guesstimate 75% agree or at least do not disagree with the info I present. 10-15% ask for more info.100% are hearing me out and All 100% are anti Inc/Gov.

It is refreshing to duck in here if nothing else to get a confirmation I am not alone in this fight.

Thanks All. o7

PS Know my friend not to be a talk through his hat kind of guy. Met his friends once, was positive. I believe what they told my friend 100%.

BTW Know that the people can constitute or reconstitute any time they want. No permission needed. Just something to look into as changing the contract (a constitution is a contract) has the LAWFUL power to fix this beautiful rock. Sorry for the rant.

WeatheredCoat 1 point ago +1 / -0

NOT 12%. Use 1% max. 2 teasp 3% Peroxide and 1/2 teasp Clean salt in 8oz clean water.
I just put mine on, literally.

As I do not know your issue I will tell what I do for an issue in upper respiratory will describe as a dry spot as it is super irritable.

I do food grade peroxide and saline in a 1-4 cycle. Every hour is I can. So 2-3 Peroxide a day,no more.

Also use NAC for cell repair and 3000mg vit-C x2 a day. Remember Zero hydrocarbons 2 hours before and 1 hour after vit-C. Pure protein only.

WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

My yard stick of reaching finishing line will be when Canadians will be asked to constitute.

Canada has been controlled by a de facto incorporation since 1931. This inc was given jurisdiction of seas surrounding and all inland seas of landmass known as Canada but not terra firma nor the people on said landmass. We have the documented proof.

I was informed years ago that one of the end goals would be to create a true and free sovereign Canada, this came direct from Mil Intel.

I am sure we will see other major changes in banking and medical fields before that. (GESARA - Med beds)

We are watching an event line and not a time line. In grand scheme of things it has taken life times of patriots to get to this point. After all, how fast can a 58.000 year old plan be exposed and neutralized eh :)


WeatheredCoat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pierre Polievre and his wife (Follow the wife's) made huge money during the plandemic. I looked at his historic voting record since entering fed politics and as far as I can see he is a snake.

I'm sure you and many others also have the screen shots from the WEF program 'Young Leaders program'. Him voted in will be worse that JT.

Canada's only chance besides constitute (we do not have a constitution but merely an ACT, NOT the same) is Max.

WeatheredCoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely feeling we are at bottom of a ride. Many signs across the globe and events seems to keep speed up.

I do not believe in a religious God but do live as per the 9 virtues of the Norse warriors.

I have spoken with The Lady in Red once so I know one do not need what we call religion.

I am old and do not give a darn if I live or die but while I am here I will stand and fight for the little and weak ones.

Never give up and never bow down. We Will stand tall in the end.


WeatheredCoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Mene, mene, tekel, parsin", is an Aramaic phrase found in chapter five of the book of Daniel. (You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting)

I first heard the word TEKEL in a youtube channel owned by Unirock back in 2017. Supposedly CERN had opened a portal and sent an electronic message. The reply to this message was TEKEL and the portal closed. His channel was nuked by youtube since.

A year later an other youtuber found and made two episodes based on Uni's videos. Here is how to find one of them.

yt channel roypotterqa and video title is TEKEL, A Commentary On A Video By Unirock

We are truly in a spiritual battle between good and evil

Just watched on tubitv, good thought provoking movie

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