307 🇳🇿 NZ Prime Minister - “there was no compulsory vaccination- people made their own choices”. ReWriting history as vaccine injured skyrockets! (twitter.com) 🤡 COVID CONTROL 💉 posted 1 year ago by catsfive 1 year ago by catsfive +308 / -1 62 comments share 62 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Only they let the corporations, hospitals, schools and businesses write their own policy, ... and fire people if they bucked. Many people left their jobs, and went and worked for people who did not require a jab - if they were lucky.
Some people, it seems, lost their jobs and got the jab to get a new one when they couldn't find one.
Some people were able to ride it out -- they were also lucky.
I also think NZ was one of the worst and most oppressive offenders, if I'm not wrong -- someone can and should correct me on this though.