Dear Jesus, we love you so much. We are so thankful for all you do for us each day. Though the world has gotten darker, your light and love and grown within us and caused a great awakening in our heart, mind and souls. As we watch the global battle between good and evil take place, we ask that you fill each of us with wisdom, hope, and a peace that only you can give. We pray for the leaders that you have risen up to help in this fight. Put a divine headge of protection over them and their families. Show each of us how we can serve you, so we don't sit ideally by as others fight for us. Give us purpose and direction so we may be part of this movie in ways we might not yet even understand. Keep us humble so we don't seek fame or glory for ourselves rather in all things let God get the glory. We can feel a better day on the horizon. Keep us patient so we don't seek to follow our own will. Let us walk in your will and your light. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen
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u/Landslide_2020 Daily Bible Reading:
u/UncleTrumpsBand Verse of the Day
I could use some prayers. On Sept 12, I am giving a speech calling out government corruption. I am attending online. Please pray that they don't hang up on me (they've done that at other meetings in the past), there are no connection issues that cause me to break up, that the message makes the agency employees realize that it is up to each one of them to stand up to the agency's leadership and refuse to comply with unlawful behavior anymore, and that the people who work with the agency realize that they have the right to demand accountability.
WOW!! Will definitely pray for this. I have much respect for you fren.
6I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. 7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3 6-7
This verse came to mind. It's in God's hand. You are doing your part. Love you fren. Will u keep me updated..I will continue to pray for you
Thank you for the compliments and thank you so much for that poignant verse. That matches exactly the way I feel about my fight against the agency.
Praying for you to find the right words, and the right way to say them. Maybe start with your conclusion, that everyone has a social responsibility. Hard to argue with that, it's the core of lefty belief. And then, what are the opportunities we have. Sneak up on the premise of corruption.
The speech is at a board meeting. I was planning on starting with a list of names and then say what I caught them doing, then a call for action from the board to rectify the matters. All the names are high up management, and I am hoping that the staff realizes that their leadership isn't benevolent. I think up until now, the staff knew things were "messed up" but went along with it because they didn't realize it was bona fide criminal. I am hoping that knowing it is bona fide criminal makes them say "we're not going to do this anymore."
So, is this board over the managers you are accusing? And there is a lower level staff under them? Do I have the organization correct? Where do you fit in? And what evidence do you have? What's going to make the board listen past the list of names and not cut you off right there?
Yes, it is a government agency that I've caught and they are having a meeting with the Board of Directors who oversee them. I am pretty sure they will cut me off very quickly, which is why I asked for prayer. I feel like I need intercession to stop them from silencing me.
I was a victim of their schemes. As soon as I figured out what they called "gross incompetence" was actually a scheme to overcharge, I knew it was my calling from God to try to stop it. Over the years, as I have dug up more information, I have found a bunch more schemes. Summary and evidence, including court documents, here:
I have recently started pulling oaths. While most of the regular staff has executed oaths, 55% of the executive leadership does not, including one of the board members. I plan to name each executive, then say they all are working unlawfully per (statutes) and demand all legal decisions made by them be voided since they didn't have the standing to make said decisions.