This whole "Barry is a fag" thing coming out right now HAS to be part of a White Hat plan. Deep State has covered it up for years, and then, all of a sudden, when Big Mike might be the Democrat candidate because Biden is in a walking coma, "Barry is a fag" comes out?
I believe its being pushed now because the public wasn't ready to hear about it yet. But with regular homosexuals now being humdrum compared to what's going on in the lgbtqxyz-expialidocious communities it will be palatable and the lefties will respond with "so what?". I think it's a precursor to the Big Mike bombshell and why the left has been so fierce about pushing the tranny agenda.
The left might support a tranny prez... its entirely conceivable. But they are pretty flexible about that shit. What the moderate left and independents won't like is that this dude who presented himself as a clean cut family man ... is not. Start piling on corruption, military betrayals, and support for child trafficking to his list of accomplishments ... then nothing will save his or Big Mike's fetid ass.
This whole "Barry is a fag" thing coming out right now HAS to be part of a White Hat plan. Deep State has covered it up for years, and then, all of a sudden, when Big Mike might be the Democrat candidate because Biden is in a walking coma, "Barry is a fag" comes out?
Larry Sinclair had a full press conference with Q&A back in 2008.
It has been up on yt for 11 years.
I believe its being pushed now because the public wasn't ready to hear about it yet. But with regular homosexuals now being humdrum compared to what's going on in the lgbtqxyz-expialidocious communities it will be palatable and the lefties will respond with "so what?". I think it's a precursor to the Big Mike bombshell and why the left has been so fierce about pushing the tranny agenda.
The left might support a tranny prez... its entirely conceivable. But they are pretty flexible about that shit. What the moderate left and independents won't like is that this dude who presented himself as a clean cut family man ... is not. Start piling on corruption, military betrayals, and support for child trafficking to his list of accomplishments ... then nothing will save his or Big Mike's fetid ass.