I'll just leave this here....
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how about your Upvote :)
am only on .win
very little. Would anybody care? ... & are here more profaning Low-lifers? (by mods+ enabled... elsewhere on this platform).
I mostly come for news, medical and Bible but they banned most Bible (except Sundays) and medical (they have improved a bit) and news is mostly Trump. It is frustrating.
I care but I am only one voice. I have never been banned but they have taken many medical articles down. I think your info and warnings are timely and apropos.
I use strictly alternative healing and I am on no medications and I am 72. My husband has prostate cancer but he is using the Tippens protocol. There was once a tight medical community where we all shared but that has been somewhat squashed. I have always tried to share my experience and years of knowledge and experience...there ARE others...
It was nice to get your input...thank you...