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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
“Everything’s Flipped” I spend a little bit of time researching corporations and the world population number but don’t have enough interesting to report right now. This week’s topic is Refrigerators.
The typical refrigerators and freezers prioritize aesthetics, ease of access, and size over efficiency. The french door and side by side units promoted now are not as efficient as the traditional top freezer. I mention this because a fridge is one of the largest devices you might want to power during a blackout. They don’t need that much power, typically 200 watts or less when running. But a typical fridge will use over 1200 Wh per day, quickly draining a solar power bank.
You can convert a chest freezer to a fridge and it will be much more efficient. https://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Conservation/FreezerConversion/FreezerConversion.htm Of course, the refrigerated volume is much smaller. But if you need a small volume, a chest freezer uses less energy as a freezer than an equivalent mini-fridge. The energy to operate a freezer as a fridge will be about half that of freezer mode. Typical results are 300 Wh per day or less.
Chloroflourocarbon refrigerants were considered a miracle until the ozone hole. Non-flammable and non-toxic. This was posted on scored soon after the original 4chan? post. https://media.greatawakening.win/post/WK1J2wlVdoWn.png I’m not a chemist, but does adding one carbon atom to R-134a really reduce the global warming potential from 1430 to less than 1? How do they even measure it? This doesn’t mention the solution, “natural” refrigerants. Commercial systems can use ammonia for maximum efficiency. For residential systems they are using hydrocarbons now. Look at a new fridge and it may have a warning label for “flammable refrigerant.” I haven’t heard of environ-mentalists wanting to ban refrigerators yet. The amount of refrigerant and energy used by refrigerator is dwarfed by air conditioning.
Overall refrigerators aren’t terrible for us. Sure beats storing and hauling blocks of ice. Refrigerators are responsible for removing root cellars from our homes. A root cellar doesn’t cool as well but could have some utility for preserving food. Also consider the Zeer Pot, an evaporative cooling device built from nested clay pots. https://thehomesteadinghippy.com/diy-zeer-pot/
Some things that increase fridge energy consumption are the ice maker and water dispenser. And down another rabbit hole we go! Ice cold drinks are an addiction. First hit is free. https://archive.ph/nhAX2 Really. Frederic “The Ice King” Tudor gave away iced drinks in order to sell ice later.
Ice cold water stresses the teeth. Ice cold water numbs the taste so it’s easier to drink the otherwise bad tasting tap water. Water needs to be warmed up and structured before it can be used. https://youtu.be/S3ZV1zL_kZM
R22 was utilized until being forced out by the EPA. It was replaced with R410a. The problem is its operating pressure is twice that of r22, thereby resulting in increased coil leaks. R410a is actually propane with a fire retardant added. Dumb fucks at the epa. And now they will start using straight propane in small appliances here soon. For extra good safety i guess. I repeat- the epa is full of dumb fucks. They are saying we need to incorporate fire retardant clothing into our ppe repetoir. Dumb fucks are dumb.
Bring back R12...
You can get it cold enough to hang meat in your car...27 deg F out of the vents!!! Literally shit out frost on a hot day lol
Yes, considering how efficient the portable non-peltier minis are, there's a ton of room for improvement in appliances... that's just what everyone will want to do as we recover from dystopia...buy all new appliances.
Thanks for the zeer pit info... although swamp coolers et al don't do well in humid conditions.