It is possible that if they have been flipped, in the sense that they are now taking instructions either consciously or unconsciously from a white hat operator, that they would be guided to shape certain narratives and not others.
The reason for doing this might be of strategic reasons, in that N person with XYZ narrative would have an impact on M sector of the target community.
Although its easy to think so, the truth is that there is consistent lack of homogeneity in all sectors. How many different perspectives are there among anons regarding C topic or D topic, for example.
Personally, I'm confident that certain disinfo operatives pander to R narrative among anons in order to target and manipulate that specific sector of anons.
It is possible that if they have been flipped, in the sense that they are now taking instructions either consciously or unconsciously from a white hat operator, that they would be guided to shape certain narratives and not others.
The reason for doing this might be of strategic reasons, in that N person with XYZ narrative would have an impact on M sector of the target community.
Although its easy to think so, the truth is that there is consistent lack of homogeneity in all sectors. How many different perspectives are there among anons regarding C topic or D topic, for example.
Personally, I'm confident that certain disinfo operatives pander to R narrative among anons in order to target and manipulate that specific sector of anons.