THESE are the specific media outlets that have been COMPROMISED by the CIA according to RFK Jr.
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“There [was] a provision of the CIA charter that [said] that the CIA cannot propagandize the American people,” says RFK Jr., but when President Obama repealed this propaganda ban in 2016, “that essentially reopened the door for Operation Mockingbird” and “the CIA began once again to propagandize the American people.”
And for those who don’t know, “Operation Mockingbird was an operation to compromise American journalists,” according to the candidate.
“High-level intelligence officials or people associated with the intelligence industry are running those journals,” he continues.
What are “those journals,” you ask?
Just some of the biggest journalistic outfits out there.
“Noah Schlackman who runs Rolling Stone … Daily Beast was run by John Avalon,” who “has deep ties to the intelligence agencies,” RFK Jr. explains.
But it doesn’t stop there.
“Even journals like the Smithsonian and National Geographic, Nature, the Washington Post, the New York Times appear to be compromised by the CIA,” he continues.
“We know from the Twitter files that both the FBI and CIA were operating portals within Twitter and Facebook that allowed them to manipulate information and to deplatform people, and to … silence certain people that they didn’t like.”
“Today, the CIA is the biggest funder of journalism in the world,” RFK Jr. says.
The propaganda leading to the Iraq war after 911 was like no other.
This has been going on long before Obama, since broadcast began and rules for deep state are in Mockingbird. Read it.
Amen. they manufactured the intel to "justify" the war in Iraq. Mockingbirds even started in the 50s.
One of the many reasons "Renegade", which literally means traitor, is such a bastard.
a person who abandons one religion for another; apostate.
a person who abandons a party, movement, etc. and goes over to the other side; traitor; turncoat.
Exactly. but then this legalized counter operations. Obama and his Puppet Masters never thought of that.