What Progressives are really saying to each other
I caught a long FB thread of progressives & former progressives that are trashing their icons such as Cornell West. Chomsky, Bernie Sanders & AOC for being war mongers, for being apologists for the vaccine & for Biden & yes for not saying that Biden is worst than Trump. This is them arguing with each other. - We are winning this!
I will dump the long thread in the 1st comment & continue in comments off of that if I need to. It started as a critique of Jimmy Dore - Although most don't agree with that critique
They know it’s a fruitless effort! But they still push it as a subscription in order to grift off of disaffected voters such as yourselves. Go ahead and believe their fanciful theories of revolution but it’s all nonsense!
2d and what is the shitlib prescription to fix all this? To stick their noses as far up Biden's ass as they can? That doesn't bother you? But to answer your question, this is the prescription to fix all this and it didn't even come from someone you hate! May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"If you want to pull the major party that is closest to the way you're thinking to what you're thinking you must show them that you're capable of not voting for them. If you don't show them that you're capable of not voting for them, they don't have to listen to you. I promise you that. worked within the Democratic Party. didn't listen or have to listen to anything on the left while was working in the Democratic Party because the left had nowhere to go." Lawrence O'Donnell'
2d The democrats are crap.
1d What a logical fallacy "anyone who doesn't line up with my point of view is a failure".
1d They sure are and you think it's only Dore talking about it?
1d where did I say anyone was a failure
1d The chart shows the start and stop of each program. I guess I lived it so it’s closer to the bone. I heard that Biden thinks people don’t want help, ever, and he’s a deficit hawk unless it’s the MIC/PIC. Remember they campaigned last year on the child tax credit that had ended. He didn’t think we needed more stimi and then someone talked him into it but said $2,000 checks would go out right away, I got $1,400 several months later. Anyway hope that’s helpful. Bidenomics is Reaganomics 2.0
1d yeah, my whole life I’ve been trying to find even one person critical of the democrats 🤣🤣🤣
1d The Democrats are absolutely appalling, the worst vehicle of US hegemony imaginable.
1d we're talking, or course, of people criticizing the Democrats from the left. Not too many doing that, which is why people like Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are so essential to our democracy.
1d Classic Liberals hate on the new Democratic party more than on the Republican party because the Republican party never pretended to be liberal, or support the common man. They are who they always were but now the Democrats are owned by the oligarchs too. The betrayal was on the LEFT, not the right. Your tribal identity needs mask the truth that your party has changed under your feet and is now literally the same as 1990's Republicanism. You can't see it because your political identity is built on tribal belonging and not foundational principles. That is why all of the journalists and such that have stuck to their original principles are incomprehensible to you. Greenwald's and Taibbi's principles are the same as they always were. Yours have shifted with with your tribal identity needs, now you don't understand people who are, for instance, anti-war or anti-censorship or fight the melding of corporate and government power– but these used to be foundational principles of liberalism.
1d google “sarcasm”
1d Glenn, Jimmy, Max Blumenthal, Russell Brand. All greats.
1d you defending Glenn Greenwald. One of the best journalists out there, it seems.
1d not when the establishment works with millions to attack their character. Julian Assange is a great example. I know plenty of people who think he should be put to death for "treason". Nevermind the fact he's not even a U.S. Citizen. lol
1d Him and Snowden RUINED America.
1d That poor Hillary was there to stop the destruction. And I even voted for her back then. BACK WHEN I WAS SO MUCH SMARTER AND SAW A REAL WOMAN LEADER
1d Meet the latest iteration of Hilminator 4000. Set to hit campaign stages next October. Isn't she great?!: May be a doodle
1d because Greenwald is telling us the real story?
1d May be an image of 5 people, phone and text that says 'Suicide Hotline, how can I help you? I'd like to place an order!'
I think he’s just the messenger. I’m glad to have his voice and he reminds me of other great comics that came before like Carlin, Lewis Black, Sam Kinison… But opinion divides, it cannot unite. I’m not interested in uniting with the partisans that only have TDS and can’t see the donkey & elephant are playing them. Can’t really blame him for taking the open lane left by the professional propagandist class on war, corruption, cronies, etc etc etc.
2d I blame him for being a Fox News type inflamer of his crowd. He's pandering to make the big money. It's fear based.
2d He wishes he were anywhere near as good as the greats like Carlin, Black, Stewart, etc. Dore is a spineless, witless, hack.
2d Fear-based and changing with his latest whim and whichever way the wind is blowing.
2d It's entertainment. fox, msdnc, and the others to which you speak. Dore came in as entertainment, with a political edge. It's turned into a political edge, trying to be entertainment. Just peter's out, and doesn't work after a while.
Yeah he’s a jagoff stoner comic in his basement but he’s not wrong. And the story isn’t over either. But I’m in the wrong chat here, nobody’s serious about the issues, they hate his personality. Dr West can go on any number of networks to get an access journalism type interview, like Bernie but he should have listened to RBN when they told him the exact same thing about calling out trump but not Biden. Also, by the by, I first saw AOC on his show, boy did she turn out to be a fed, progressives are a shambles, they sold out every single value I thought they stood for. So depressing to watch but I digress…
1d You think Jimmy's driven by money? Ridiculous nonsense.
You righty’s are amazing
2d both parties agree on war & crushing the poor but distract us with the culture wars. So who are you calling righty? I’m communist. May be an image of text that says 'Social Conditioning The hardes prison Eto escape isin our οωη mind.'
2d I don't know what you mean by that.
2d I’m capitalist and I find it amazing
2d https://votesocialist2024.com Claudia & Karina 2024 VOTESOCIALIST2024.COM Claudia & Karina 2024 Claudia & Karina 2024
2d capitalism ended decades ago
2d ppppth
1d I wish. But it is in its end stage now and for that we can be grateful.
1d No photo description available.
1d fascism is not fun
1d no...but we are getting the first taste of it now with the Prison Industrial Complex and medical tyranny, censorship, and other arbitrary impositions on civil rights and liberties. May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'o% PEOPLE'SPATY peoplespartyus in Capitalism decay Fascism & war'
1d we’ve been getting it for decades
1d that is the way of capitalism. It will not be contained or regulated. Attempts to do so always lead to fascism where the government is captured by industry and makes its own laws that suit its mission without any regard to the will and the needs of the entire population.
1d capitalism has failed in every attempt Fascism hates capitalism and destroys it Competition is the foundation of capitalism. Bankruptcy is the only way to survive or not Government is needed to protect capitalism Labor Unions are mandatory In the United States in the late seventies, all disappeared
1d hard to follow your thoughts without punctuation...
1d capitalism fails because it has no core morality. It will always degenerate into fascism because money and wealth rule above all and when there is any attempt to reign in excesses, it finds ways around them like water always seeking the lowest level. and eventually floods and devours all civil authority.
1d it fails because the public gets conned It’s failed as we all got conned unfortunately, fascism took over
I don't want to be despicable. I want to be spicable.
2d I am soooo spicable. It comes by not fixating on a single issue.
2d Why is that? I have not watched him lately but his old stuff is great. Case in point. Chris Hedges Explains The Laws That Are In Place https://youtu.be/zpa7GR-EyF0 To Give The Uber Class Complete Control Over The People. Dumb down the population, make them subservient, remove our rights, detain them forever, and turn prison populations into corporate profit centers. Jimmy, you hit the ball out of the park way out of the park. Hedges is an incredible person. Please interview if you can author Thomas Frank, Author of What's The Matter With Kansas. her book is Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right (Paperback) and David Cay Johnston, author of Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill) You and your show are going places. How Bernie & Squad Actually Support Corporate State. w/Chris Hedges YOUTUBE.COM How Bernie & Squad Actually Support Corporate State. w/Chris Hedges How Bernie & Squad Actually Support Corporate State. w/Chris Hedges
careful, democrats love the police state now because of “J6”
2d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0EbANF8vFo&t=198s Cornel West Humiliates Jimmy Dore In Heated Debate | Leftist Mafia YOUTUBE.COM Cornel West Humiliates Jimmy Dore In Heated Debate | Leftist Mafia Cornel West Humiliates Jimmy Dore In Heated Debate | Leftist Mafia
2d I used to respect Jimmy Dore after he split with TYT. Then he lost his mind.
2d And that's your problem . TYT is bought and sold and are shitlibs . https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjGm4ap15uBAxXWrYkEHYBuDAUQFnoECA8QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.adweek.com%2Fconvergent-tv%2Fthe-young-turks-will-double-its-staff-with-20-million-raised-in-a-round-of-funding%2F&usg=AOvVaw02PNtyJe34WlMaicls-cw_&opi=89978449 The Young Turks Will Double Its Staff With $20 Million Raised in a Round of Funding ADWEEK.COM The Young Turks Will Double Its Staff With $20 Million Raised in a Round of Funding The Young Turks Will Double Its Staff With $20 Million Raised in a Round of Funding
2d https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi6sue_15uBAxWSjYkEHa5SDpsQFnoECBAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DgDKAo2IY2ww&usg=AOvVaw3CMdAGgSyu3Bhe6fbUsr5_&opi=89978449 Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West? YOUTUBE.COM Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West? Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West?
2d you mean TYT lost its mind.
1d You sure didn't read my comment very well. I left TYT long ago.
1d You're conflating two statements in my comment.
1d who signed the Patriot Act? The fact is neither party gives two shits about us little people. We are the peasants. According to George Carlin, the billionaire mafia is in charge, and he famously declared that "The Game is Completely Rigged." In this informative 4-minute video https://youtu.be/fT03vCaL-F0 Carlin explains how the wealthy own this country and will not relinquish control. George Carlin: The Owners Of This Country YOUTUBE.COM George Carlin: The Owners Of This Country George Carlin: The Owners Of This Country
1d The Lewis Powell Memo: A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy - Greenpeace USA https://www.greenpeace.org/.../the-lewis-powell-memo-a.../ The Lewis Powell Memo is a document written by a corporate lawyer in 1971 that outlines a strategy for businesses to influence public opinion and policy in their favor. The memo suggests that companies should become more politically active and use their resources to shape public discourse and policy. It has been criticized for advocating for corporate interests at the expense o
It has been criticized for advocating for corporate interests at the expense of democracy and the public good. In the current debate about job losses and globalization, it is argued that businesses, rather than China, are responsible for outsourcing jobs. It is suggested that companies have decided to move jobs overseas, and China has accepted these job opportunities as a rational course of action. The Lewis Powell Memo: A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy GREENPEACE.ORG The Lewis Powell Memo: A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy The Lewis Powell Memo: A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy
1d that is the exact opposite of what I took from the interview. It was West who was humiliated and he will never again gain the credibility he once had. We shall see how this plays out, but I saw Jimmy Dore on top of the issues from beginning to end and West completely unable to see the big picture. He is an old man with a traditional black Baptist outlook and doesn't understand that the nation has moved on and the perspective must be bigger than identity politics. I lost respect for West and gained more for Dore. And I am sorry, but I just cannot give the gay issues any more of my energy. I think we are so past such wedge issues now that it irritates me to think that people still put it up there for concern at a time when we are facing existential crisis around the world. Sex is just not that important no matter who does what to whom or whether they do nothing at all to anyone. Move on Please.
This hilarious watch till the guy imitates her Meghan McCain's Hilarious Self-Own About Privilege - YouTube The fun really starts at 1:46. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEqX2wThHXo Meghan McCain's Hilarious Self-Own About Privilege YOUTUBE.COM Meghan McCain's Hilarious Self-Own About Privilege Meghan McCain's Hilarious Self-Own About Privilege
2d I used to still watch Dore back then and that video came preliked by me. Dore has his exceptions to bullshit vaccination stuff but less and less these days.
2d He showed how Cornell is doing nothing more than playing PR for democrats and using their tactics of identity politics and mandating experimental pharmaceuticals which is what will make the DNC and the people actually lose. It kills the working class movement. And that’s what Cornell is doing when he takes up the DNC playbook
2d I like Dr West but he’s flailing and needs better advice. He learned some of the lessons Bernie did not, and he’s going on Indy media so it’s already better but still a compromise. He needs to be oppositional and might not have it in him, like Bernie couldn’t just criticize Biden effectively and always undercut his own campaign.
2d I like him too and that’s why it’s saddening to see him making these mistakes. But clearly he isn’t ready for the real conversations and the real fight it’s going to take to build up the working class fight. I hope he proves me wrong but I won’t hold my breath.
2d I can agree wholeheartedly that dear Cornel is too much of a lover, even though he points the finger at corptocracy. But Dore was abominable talking to West - reading from a script, shaking his head sadly when Cornel was spouting facts, misreporting what Cornel said about the importance of the vaccine issue.
2d He needs a running mate to go on the attack. Kshama Sawant?? Personally I’m more ready for Baraka than I was in 2016, we need to let loose the dogs of something. PSL has a more radical agenda so that needs to be considered. https://votesocialist2024.com Claudia & Karina 2024 VOTESOCIALIST2024.COM Claudia & Karina 2024 Claudia & Karina 2024
2d I do like her. But Jimmy makes a great point in this video that we will never ever have working class cohesion if the people we look up to use the dnc strategy of tearing the working class apart and fighting amongst itself
2d She wouldn’t participate unless he was serious so it would be a huge boost of credibility. He’s not getting the partisans, shouldn’t even try, just talk past the reggies and go for the cron May be an image of text that says 'LIBERALISM LEFTISM'
2d right. He’s got to move past the divide and conquer strategy of the partisans. If not he won’t get a movement. Even then tho, how can we tell he is sincere when we know his past stances? Not sure. I hope he proves me wrong.
2d I saw two good men too but I think Jimmy was talking about class issues whereas West was talking more about identity issues. The vaccine and mandate issue is a working class issue. I don’t think west sees it as one. Either way, I still highly respect Cornell but he needs to adapt his message if he wants to grow his coalition.
2d that would be ideal. I won't hold my breath and am now extra skeptical of him.
2d what an ugly machine our political duopoly is. And I voted Green last time but then Howie started the Dem Russiagate bs. What happens to these seemingly decent folks man?? Did they put a gun to Bernie's family??
2d I couldn't help but laugh when West wouldn't call Dems or Joe a fascist Lol. How does one get more fascist than ARMING NAZIS in Ukraine? If he doesn't change course, this is Howie Hawkins 2.0. And that campaign practically destroyed the Green Party. Then you have the national Green Party loving mandates yet the black green caucus doesn't which West thought people having t heir lives ruined with this a non point. Dude needs to shapen up his craft on this whole politics thing. He is not going to win anythingn with whatever message he has (which wasn't allt hat good)
2d I had it in my ear piece live when it was on while gardening. West is great at a lot of things but politics doesn't appear to be one of them. Jimmy wants him to crack 5% for national funding and West is sticking by his guns of a couple of identity issues. West says the Dems and Jow have "Dimensions of fascism" but not outright fascisms. I was stunned.
2d I like him and all but a presidential campaign is way different than being a Pastor or an activist. To make a huge dent he needs a coalition of a lot of different people and do it across class lines and stop acting like "right wingers" are all bad. If you have convos with ordinary people, they actually agree on so much especially in terms of war/peace and being screwed by pharma, corporations, etc etc. There is a lot of anger in this country. Cornel has time to harness a better message and I certainly hope he does.
1d Yes. He wanted him to do like what Christian Smalls did with Amazon getting a coalition of people of multiple viewpoints across class lines. West didn't seem to agree. Without a broad coalition, he won't ever hit 5% and it will be a failed niche campaign. Plus the part of him not calling Joe and the Dems fascist but "dimensions of fascism". I thought Jimmy was going to cry after the interview he was /that/ depressed.
1d exactly!
1d I think Jimmy did have tears in his eyes at the end. I watched him wipe both eyes.,
1d Identity politics is an establishment deflection from the genuine socio-economic grievances of the working classes.
1d I agree
1d The only class issue Jimmy brought up was the one about black small business owners, using identity politics to support Jimmy's class....the petit bourgeois. He didn't once mention the working class. He accused the man whom wrote the book, "race matters" of identity politics, then tried to use identity politics to insult him. Dore pandered to his right wing audience, because that's his money maker. Libertarian petit bourgeoisie comedian, business owner, employer, property owner. Where do you see working class?
1d how is Cornell's Green Party candidacy taking up the DNC playbook?
1d every issue Dore brought up was a class issue. His whole point was we have to have class unity and relying on the dnc playbook of divide and infighting which leads to working class division and not cohesions is a losing strategy for West.
1d because he’s relying on the same issues they use. Those issues thag keep the working class divided. Because he refuses to call them out right fascists which they are.
1d Kshama Sawant was born in India. She's not qualified for Pres or VP
21h his class may be, not working class
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'But Dr. West you shouldn't talk about Race Dunce #DERP'
2d that isn’t what he said.. he was saying shitlibs that buy the dnc talking points and talk stupid shit like white supremacy all the time are going to cut the working class movement in half. You don’t get massive numbers by alienating people based of virtue signaling bullshit.
If you think a black man fighting systematic racism is "virtue signaling" you're a fucking racist.
2d thinking that all white people are a part of white supremacy would make someone a racist. And thinking that it is the number one reason for the ills of the world isn’t correct. It’s a distraction. The DNC uses it to divide the working class not to actually give attention to actual systemic racism.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0EbANF8vFo&t=198s Cornel West Humiliates Jimmy Dore In Heated Debate | Leftist Mafia YOUTUBE.COM Cornel West Humiliates Jimmy Dore In Heated Debate | Leftist Mafia Cornel West Humiliates Jimmy Dore In Heated Debate | Leftist Mafia
2d I’ve never watched that show but it’s the flunkies that are ridin with Biden instead of pushing him left like they said right? Humanist report, rational national, and what’s his name that over pronounces everything, majority report. I want the time back that I spent listening to them, they’re dead to me now.
2d https://l.facebook.com/l.php...]-R&c[0]=AT34Sx-7nMLzmsOUkkDZuMpHGCgYeDtSbetZpvNn1ozMRkW7W8bC145KQ-CURT2nWhL0awMkNpKtvMcJ9wDHRYV_CZ80ev70zEYFv9ujQIbFV4aRUrPiZ3kD7adJq6W4UrlGq3_9xypgCxo6KPN_ Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West? YOUTUBE.COM Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West? Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West?
2d not him the other guy that’s from Spain? Oh that’s gonna drive me nuts now 😂
2d no he’s one of the good ones, I’m not sure his country of origin. No I can see his face, he does a lot of product endorsements and went full neoliberal but was a big Bernie supporter and then went all in on Clintocracy
2d David Pakman and I’m wrong, he’s primary language Spanish from Argentina. I was starting to wonder if I invented him from a weed nap or something 😂 Ok back under my rock…. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Pakman David Pakman - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG David Pakman - Wikipedia David Pakman - Wikipedia
2d right? I remember him mentioning that’s why his speech is so… formal
No, no he is not.
2d Why?
2d I think it is great that West opposed class reductionism and insisted on the importance of opposing white supremacy. Dore doesn’t get intersectionalism, and thus does disservice to white workers as well as BIPOC….
2d if you say so
2d TYT and Dore both suck. And I never met a Libertarian I liked, so bye bye Glenn G as well. I can be anti-greed, anti-corporate and anti-patriarchy - and opposed to war in general - while recognizing that dangerous nutso leaders sometimes can only be stopped via war (I wish political assassins were better at their mercenary professions, however, which could reduce the innocent casualties of war though.)
2d Cant believe he still has a following.
2d https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi6sue_15uBAxWSjYkEHa5SDpsQFnoECBAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DgDKAo2IY2ww&usg=AOvVaw3CMdAGgSyu3Bhe6fbUsr5_&opi=89978449 Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West? YOUTUBE.COM Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West? Jimmy Dore Destroys Cornel West In Interview | Why Vote For West?
2d Did the YouTube man make you cry ?🤣
2d He could get his points across without being so abrasive. He’s gone after Cornel West and Noam Cho
He could get his points across without being so abrasive. He’s gone after Cornel West and Noam Chomsky. Bruh, he had a YouTube Channel and one force the vote strategy which failed. He’s not even anywhere near either of their levels. He actually made some good points but he doesn’t have to attack everyone.
2d the same Chomsky that said unvaccinated people should be put in camps and starved? Fuck Chomsky.
2d course he would never say anything so idiotic
2d Cornel confronted Jimmy on his fixation with vaccines. He said that was the worst thing he’s seen in thirty years? They invasion of Iraq. The fact that we are facing nuclear annihilation and climate catastrophe? No he doesn’t like mask mandates. He sounds like a buffoon.
2d there was a time when I would’ve said the same thing. No way Chomsky would’ve said this. I highly respect his earlier work but he did in fact say this https://news.yahoo.com/noam-chomsky-unvaccinated-remove... Noam Chomsky: Unvaccinated should 'remove themselves from the community,' access to food 'their problem' NEWS.YAHOO.COM Noam Chomsky: Unvaccinated should 'remove themselves from the community,' access to food 'their problem' Noam Chomsky: Unvaccinated should 'remove themselves from the community,' access to food 'their problem'
2d 70,000 workers lost their jobs in one state alone. Forced medical experimentation should be near the top of everyone’s list of truly fucked up shit. Of course not calling Biden an out right fascist doesn’t help bring attention to nuclear annihilation and Iraq. Biden is a fascist. Not just “elements” of fascism.
2d wasnt he the first person to interview AOC and Chris Smalls, etc??
Obviously we have one party (right wing) ruling in the country The idea that a man who criticizes the government is despicable is amazing.
2d you don't like facts and that's OK https://m.youtube.com/live/iFE7E9HQD2k... The Leftist Mafia Ep.40 YOUTUBE.COM The Leftist Mafia Ep.40 The Leftist Mafia Ep.40
1d I listened for 20 minutes and heard nothing Again, I don’t think it’s unusual to hear anyone talk about the one party system
1d 1 calling dore a trumper was sad 2 If cornel believes trump is the greater evil over Biden then why is he running 🤷♂️ . I’m sure leta when west gets out of race in august 24 you will post a mea culpa #vbnmw
2d I love his show
2d you put out some pretty good content as well, my dude.
2d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6gNnsouORY Thank you for this!
some people seem to have got their feeling hurt when a sacred cow gets the petard.
Do you think that George Carlin was despicable?
2d How dare you compare Dore to Carlin?? True Dore has his moments where he's sharp as a tack and right on the money. He WAS so good but notice the past tense.
2d Have you listened to Dore's "interview" with Cornel West?
2d Every painful minute of it. I also watched the RBN show last night and it made a lot of good points. Then I watched this just now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6gNnsouORY THIS IS WHY JIMMY DORE CLASHED WITH CORNEL WEST, MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, AND RFK JR YOUTUBE.COM THIS IS WHY JIMMY DORE CLASHED WITH CORNEL WEST, MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, AND RFK JR THIS IS WHY JIMMY DORE CLASHED WITH CORNEL WEST, MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, AND RFK JR
1d no
1d Please elaborate. I have no idea what you mean.
He’s a disingenuous grifter , I fail to understand why any leftist with critical thinking ability can’t see this
2d Me too but you can read in my comments either people haven't noticed Dore is there to install fear into his audience in order to stay viral or they just haven't listened to him for quite while.
2d Were you born humor impaired?
1d Thanks for this.
1d Love you too, dear.
1d not even. Dore is a punk ass chump though, he ain’t no progressive leader by any stretch of the imagination
1d while your progressives vote for war, cops, and forced medical procedures. 😂 and you all think you’re left 😂 talk about punk asses
1d Dore is all bark and no bite. He likes to talk shit about AOC, but his critiques fail to account for the reality on the ground. He is a disingenuous troublemaker whose role is to divide the left by turning naive radicals against true progressives like AOC & The Squad
1d got more bark than AOC.m or the rest of the squad and their voting record proves it. You’re a fan of Hunter S Thompson…. That’s good to see. You should know that he theorized, and rightfully so, that elitist neoliberal politics, the kind AOC and the squad are doing, are the reason for the rise in Trumpism. He knew the answer was outside the two parties. AOC and the squad turned leftists against themselves by lying and not doing what they said they’d do. For being water carriers for the DNC and Biden. They did it to themselves.
1d that’s some Dorian bullshit right there. AOC & the Squad aren’t the ones pushing the neoliberal corporatocracy. The ones who did to pave the road to Trumpism were the Clintons & Obama and their minions, which AOC & the Squad are not. This is exactly why Dore is such a chump. I’ve read practically every word Hunter ever wrote and you are oversimplying with your critique of the bi-hegemonic duopoly since there ain’t no easy way out of it
1d they are pushing it though. Biden was one of those third way democrats responsible for the rise in trumpism too. And here your progressives are backing everything he’s doing. Supporting money for war. For pharma companies. For cops. It’s not oversimplifying anything. It’s exactly what he was talking about in Hells Angels. The elite coastal neoliberals ignored the middle class mostly white poor and dumb and that creates an ethos of retaliation leading to people like trump. The democrats and republicans joined forces to defeat Freak Power Party. The solution to getting rid of the corporatocracy is outside of either party.
you continue to oversimplify with empty rhetoric , just like Dore. AOC can’t snap her fingers and make change , she’s doing the best she can in a tough situation. But please do elaborate on your solutions , cuz I ain’t hearing any yet…
1d empty rhetoric? Facts are facts man. She sure can do what she said, and be a thorn in their side, “even if it means I’m one term”. So far she hasn’t done that at all My solution would’ve been to force the vote. Be the one to say no to Biden’s war mongering and corporatism. Do what she campaigned on
1d there’s the Dorian bullshit again with Force the vote, which wouldn’t have worked and wasn’t even the preferred strategy of the nurse’s union. Dore is full of crap and you’ve been suckered by his disingenuous rabble rousing. AOC has her hands full with domestic issues, trying to also take on the military industrial complex by herself wouldn’t get her very far. You Dore kool aid drinkers seem to lack the vision to understand what a monumental task it is to take on the entire deeply entrenched establishment.
1d you do know that force the vote was AOC’s idea and not Dore’s right? He was just holding her to her own words. It would’ve worked. And if not at least it’s doing something rather than nothing. It’s better to attempt to take on the complex and fail and stand for your values then it is to crumble and become supportive of the complex. If they aren’t going to take on the establishment then why you for them? Don’t act like they are anti establishment if they aren’t going to buck up.
1d you and Dore continue to oversimplify , which is easy to do as a keyboard warrior or podcaster, where you don’t actually have to face the real world. You have yet to offer any tangible solutions for taking on the neolib Democratic establishment beyond performative votes that won’t change anything. AOC has never stopped fighting for Big Us & remains a people’s champion doing the best she can in a challenging environment
1d AOC and Bernie are pro war, pro-giving weapons to neonazis, pro Israel. Yet people are still holding onto these people like they are worth more than the shit on our shoes. Just like Obama, they talked a good game, but their later actions speak more of what they really became.
1d "AOC has never stopped fighting for Big Us & remains a people’s champion doing the best she can in a challenging environment" That's hilarious.
1d look how she works for us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHKB2ysD_bk... I'm starting to worry about AOC YOUTUBE.COM I'm starting to worry about AOC I'm starting to worry about AOC
1d It's 2023 and people still believe these fake pieces of sh*t. After all their capitulation to the duopoly, after them showing their true faces. Nothing. Pelosi ran on Medicare for All when she joined Congress as well. SO I GUESS SHE'S STILL TIRELESSLY WORKING AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT TOO
1d Tucker, who has become an anti-war voice. AOC, the new face of the CIA, decided we need fucking war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hyYluc6vQU... Outdoing Herself, AOC Calls for Federal Ban on Tucker/Fox | SYSTEM UPDATE YOUTUBE.COM Outdoing Herself, AOC Calls for Federal Ban on Tucker/Fox | SYSTEM UPDATE Outdoing Herself, AOC Calls for Federal Ban on Tucker/Fox | SYSTEM UPDATE
1d All these drones can talk about is January 6th, Trump, Russiagate. Oh yeah, and how everyone is racist who disagrees with them.(except the neonazis they voted on giving weapons of war to)
get more woke dude, you are being naive AF. AOC can’t stop the military industrial complex on her own.
1d but she sure as hell can add to their evils. Just like Obama.
1d bullshit, you obviously consume too much propaganda and don’t pay much attention to all that AOC does. Grow up
1d AOC & Bernie are nothing like that wolf in sheep’s clothing Obama. Your superficial analysis is sorely lacking
1d censoring all opposition, voices of dissent of war, gaslighting. Yes. AOC DOES A LOT
1d I can't argue with shitlibs in 2023. Best of luck to your dear democrat party.
1d https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NVS8VogXc2k AOC heckled at town hall event for Ukraine war hypocrisy #shorts YOUTUBE.COM AOC heckled at town hall event for Ukraine war hypocrisy #shorts AOC heckled at town hall event for Ukraine war hypocrisy #shorts
1d again get more woke, AOC has her hands full with domestic issues. Expecting her to also tackle the military industrial complex is naive AF
1d always an excuse for more war and death. And she stood against Med4All a couple years back as well. BUT BOY IS SHE WORKING HARD. US PLEBS JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND
1d bullshit , she didn’t stand against M4A, you’ve clearly been drinking too much of Dore’s disingenuous kool aid , smh 🤦♂️
1d get more woke? 🤣 you shouldn’t idolize anyone so much that it blinds you to their actual actions.
1d sure thing, buddy.
1d Democrats in 2016: Get in their face and make them uncomfortable. Democrats in 2022: YOU'RE BEING RUDE!
1d That guy in the jacket is a hero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPJ4NndKqfg... AOC Confronted For Pro-War Votes, BETRAYAL Of Promises: ‘You Are The ESTABLISHMENT’ YOUTUBE.COM AOC Confronted For Pro-War Votes, BETRAYAL Of Promises: ‘You Are The ESTABLISHMENT’ AOC Confronted For Pro-War Votes, BETRAYAL Of Promises: ‘You Are The ESTABLISHMENT’
1d no, you’re being naive .
1d Sure thing, Special Agent at the Establishment Alliance.
1d and when he went after Bernie as well! I understand he is salty about stuff but he is attacking the wrong people.
2d Bernie is pretty disappointing these days I must admit but Dore hates on leftists 24/7.
2d i know! wtf! he keeps flip flopping on his position, I have concluded he is nuts!
2d 2d he’s criticizing Precisely the right people for the right reasons.
2d VACCININES!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Garland Nixon @GarlandNixon In America, "Follow the money" will get you a lot closer to the truth than "follow the science." Science, along with media and politics, is for sale to the highest bidder. 5:31 AM 17 Jan 22. Twitter for Android'
2d Okay. And that has to do with this how? Vaccines have always worked for me. Some of this we either have to accept or not because we aren't scientists ourselves.
2d Many Prominent figures who are accused of being antivax are Actually advocates for vaccine Safety. Remind me who was forced to pay out the largest fines in history over malpractice and corruption. (It was Pfizer) Remind me who was caught Knowingly putting carcinogens in their baby formula. (It was Johnson and Johnson) our government not only lied and contradicted themselves numerous times in regards to the virulence, transmission, treatments and research of viruses and vaccines.. they were also Funding gain of function research for several years internationally. now they want to bury their research data for 75 years. This was Never about public Safety. It has been a Racket since the Beginning. Pharmaceutical companies partnered with our government and media and spy agencies to censor the Fuck out of world renowned experts and they’ve ended up making Trillions of dollars in the Process. Never Mind the largest transfer of wealth in history to the wealthiest people in history. There may very well be legitimate concerns regarding viruses etc.. All of those concerns were Severely Exploited by some of the most notorious professional liars on the planet. glad that you’re feeling healthy tho. but that isn’t necessarily the case for countless other people.
1d not really..hes speaking out about corruption..no matter who. Sorry your cognitive dissonance has such a grip on you that you can no longer critically think, maybe you never could No problem, there are many like you, sadly, thats the problem .
1d the vaccines are unproven and Fauci has shown to be fully corrupt and in bed with pharmaceutical companies.
1d you nailed it. The plan of the duopoly works really well for those in power.
1d Okay and? Still very far from being the #1 issue in this failing country.
1d the number one issue is people like AOC who were voted in to represent the people that are now instead representing the thing they once ran against. Just like Bernie and Obama. And people keep defending them at every turn. Giving them every excuse they can think of.
1d yup
He did great he wants Cornell west to address the covid lock downs the damage that caused to Americans and how they are going to do it again.
2d Please explain to me why anyone would believe that a capitalist country is TRYING to put capitalist businesses at risk! That conspiracy nonsense is way over the edge. This has turned into a nation of violent paranoids who cannot distinguish reality from fantasy any longer. It's disturbing.
2d And do you agree that's the most important issue in this failing country? Do you agree that racism is IDENTITY POLITICS??
2d sorry ya lost me there.
2d no I see the corporations going after all of the people and have gotten a few ...thank goodness to only see a part of the problem so they can keep us divided. 1% hates people like Dore he won't let them divide us.
That's been the point for a long long time. Sewing skepticism, and subsequent apathy, is a useful tool to the oligarchs who actually run this county. If we don't trust the government, or our elections, then we won't participate and actually vote to change things. McCarthyism didn't go anywhere. It was just the beginning.
1d You're half right.
1d Okie dokie
1d the oligarchs are the ones pushing it. Marianne doesn’t seem to realize that it only truly hurt the small businesses. It helped the large corporations. It was the largest upward transfer of wealth in recent history.
1d that’s too much for many people. It’s too much to see their favorite politician honestly questioned and then called out when he avoids such questions. Jimmy stated why he focuses on supposed leftists and these people just don’t get it. It’s the same people that when Trump wins again that will be losing their minds. I will be laughing my ass off this time. Nothing is worse than the corruption and possible WWIII right now. “BUT TRUMP” I can’t wait for the show to start.
He went around the bend quite a while ago!
2d by 3xpising truth that clearly you have a hard time with? Must be tough being you with your cognitive dissonance. Or is it true, bliss in ignorance?
1d Cult member much?? I watched him descend into the twilight zone. Very sad. If he could actually back up his conspiracy theories I would consider what he's saying but he's just a butt-hurt, bitter, ex-progressive who couldn't stomach the idea of Bernie Sanders conceding his campaign. He took it personally (and very childishly) instead of politically.
1d lol, you certainly know about cults I see.
1d He's slashing and burning. He rants like a maniac and he twists things to make them sensational. He finds one thing about a progressive that doesn't fit his purity test and he goes off on a tangent and doesn't stop. HE'S NOT HELPING! He's not trying to solve any problem, he's just lashing out at everyone around him. Sorry, I don't watch shock jocks. I loved his show at one time but not any longer.
21h And place who in power? You think a third party is going to rise up and overtake the system? Sorry but that's not gonna happen this quickly even with a thousand ranting Jimmy Dores so we will likely end up with another nazi. I hate that this system is a 2 party system but that is reality until we actually all unite and take the system down.
2d He’s just loud and obnoxious but more often than not he’s right on the money. I’d rather have someone like him criticizing Democrats loudly than someone who ignores all their bad behavior and makes excuses for them. Criticism is supposed to be the most significant component of journalism. It’s just sad that it has to come from a comedian and not an actual journalist.
2d I agree that at time Dore is right on the money but I have been watching his ass from the start and he is sliding quickly into lala land. Telling a black man racism isn't real is beyond the pale.
2d -- When did Jimmy Dore say that "racism isn't real?!" I've NEVER heard him say that. He does frequently point out, however, that corporatist Democrats routinely trot out the race card in order to keep Black voters in their place (in the D column) -- and THAT is rather racist, don't you think? To take Black voters for granted -- as Biden, the Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer have been doing for many years -- is a subtler, craftier, more cynical, and more CONDESCENDING kind of racism than the disgustingly overt kind exploited by Republicans with their so-called Southern Strategy and coddling of white supremacists. Black and other non-white voters -- as well as many white working-class voters -- are catching on and are SICK AND TIRED of being taken for granted! https://www.msnbc.com/.../biden-trump-election-polls... Opinion | Joe Biden has a voters of color problem MSNBC.COM Opinion | Joe Biden has a voters of color problem Opinion | Joe Biden has a voters of color problem
Why and how have you watched Jimmy Dore's ass? Usually he's sitting down on the show.
1d -- Although I agree with Jimmy Dore 90% of the time, he can be more than a bit of an ass sometimes. Maybe he believes that's his proper role in life, I don't know. But when he said THIS, he was 100% correct. May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Jimmy Dore @jimmy_dore Just so it's clear, one incompetent criminal organization is being replaced by a professional criminal organization. twitter.com/deanobeidallh... 43 1 140 1723'
1d he never said that and actually acknowledged that. It's part of the gaslighting that is the formula to discredit any voices of dissent. Unfortunately many have fallen for this.
1d -- See for yourself! https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore/status/1333986651622707202 Jimmy Dore on X TWITTER.COM Jimmy Dore on X Jimmy Dore on X
I dug into Dore's finances (open records) a few year's back, and I HIGHLY recommend everyone who supports him do the same.
2d Have you ever dug into the Biden family's finances?
2d What a bonkers comparison. Why the hell would you assume any of us support that criminal?
2d please elaborate.
2d I prefer not to. People will just debate it, and not believe it, but be too lazy to actually look it up for themselves. Let's just say he was propped up by the same folks that propped up Trump, for the same reasons. Granted, you have to go back in his Llc history to find those shady investor's.
1d Whataboutisms aren't valid rebuttals.
1d I am not one of his supporters or haters. Was just curious. Gave up on him when he started Bernie bashing & endorsed Tulsi. Shane Coughlin do you know anything about Jimmy's donors?
1d As a former Bernie supporter, I believe that telling the truth about Bernie's betrayal of all of us is not "bashing". If he hurts your feelings, that's also not bashing.
1d there is a way to do it. And I have the right to my view. I don't care if that hurts your feelings. Episode 1 Wink GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Ah. Tone policing. The most powerful tool of liberals, short of complete censorship of anyone who you disagree with. Carry on, darling. The US Constitution obviously means nothing to you.
1d awww...the language of bullies! No one was talking to you in my original response. If you keep ing I will block you. I have no time for your type. You do you, and have a nice day OK? 😊
1d she's full of sh*t.
1d Brooke and her "investigation" that she doesn't want to talk about after boldly mentioning it.
I agree with some of what he was saying but the way he phrased it was condescending to Dr. West and he is basically asking him to pander to Trump supporters rather than be who he genuinely is
2d Exactly! Why would a leftists try to make anyone pander? If an issue is truly important to a candidate they should let us know.
2d no, jd was not pandering. How did you discern that? Big WTF.
1d Dore was pleasant until Dr West minimalized the effect of the mandates. Over 40% of black businesses closed. West tries to be pleasant, but JDs point is that resistance can't be so milk toast that will allow Democrat wiggle room. West said Trump is worse than Biden which isn't winning rhetoric or the truth. West is smart and empathetic it's good that he has to figure this out. As the big 3rd party candidate on the left
1d https://youtu.be/sXfb8S8-LkY?si=zC0fpLLe19leIPjb Jimmy Dore & Cornel West DISAPPOINTING Interview (clip) YOUTUBE.COM Jimmy Dore & Cornel West DISAPPOINTING Interview (clip) Jimmy Dore & Cornel West DISAPPOINTING Interview (clip)
1d Dustin Gleason https://www.youtube.com/live/XfagddbfVKY?si=WR9DvCxUig8uXaJI Jimmy Dore Smears Cornel West for His Trump Supporting Base | Black Table Ep23 YOUTUBE.COM Jimmy Dore Smears Cornel West for His Trump Supporting Base | Black Table Ep23 Jimmy Dore Smears Cornel West for His Trump Supporting Base | Black Table Ep23
Why do you say this?
2d Why?
2d He is a grifter now. He wasn't always a grifter.
2d May be an image of 1 person and text
1d ha ha ha ha ha ha. Boy are you silly!
1d You gotta remember that Jimmy Dore is a comedian and Washington politicians are ripe for material.
1d Yes, Joe Biden and corporate media are much more trustworthy🙄🙄🙄🙄
1d I was just about to bail this thread. Fr sent!
1d yeah that’s exactly what that means lol. Everyone either likes Joe Biden or Jimmy Dore 🤣🤣🤣
1d Dore points out the corruption of Biden and the Democrats. Democrat Think Tanks push out the message that Dore's message is a "grift". Trump is lying. Biden is lying. Making promise/statements based on lies, for personal benefit is the definition of grift
Dore points out the corruption of Biden and the Democrats. Democrat Think Tanks push out the message that Dore's message is a "grift". Trump is lying. Biden is lying. Making promise/statements based on lies, for personal benefit is the definition of griftting. If this is too complicated to understand, I can't help that.
Why,is that for challenging Dr.West on is support of vaccines mandates
1d I suggest you all cozy up with this gem. May be a graphic of text that says '6:11 X 38% Evil Geniuses kurtandersen.com KURT AnDeRSen Menu EVIL GENIUSES The Unmaking America KURT ANDERSEN Order the Book Amazon'
1d DORE is A grifter and has been now for at least 6 years
1d Dude 80 percent of his audience are GOP White Neo-nazi and the like Most of his patrons same thing. he spreads lies and is a misogynistic bigoted pro war as long as it is NOT America anti-science anti-vax trump loving ass kisser. THAT CUMMMS when those he can get on his show says they are against M4A and it can be fixed though the Free market.
Then why does he keep taking $$$ from CIPAC? And why did he do a 180 on almost everything once he started getting that $$$? Y'all are so far in denial it would be hilarious if it wasn't such a threat.
1d her source for that is Bellingcat 🤣
17h yeah it sure is. She posted it somewhere else in this thread
15h What you just posted is the most egregious spreading of lies I’ve seen in a while. Good thing you don’t have a significant audience to see them.
Jimmy Dore is a comic. He doesn't understand that an interview is suppose to be a dialog in which the host asks questions and allows the guest to express their views. Dore is more interested in expressing his own views as was evident by his consuming 9.5 minutes with 2 monologues, (6 minutes on Cop City, and 3.5 minutes on COVID). Did anyone else notice that the thumbnail image shows Dr. West speaking with "Biden is better than Trump" in quotes? The image implies that West said "Biden is better than Trump", but West never said that. Dore said that he was "trying to help" Dr West hone his message, but Dore's actions during the interview and the 4 thumbnails on Dore's website looks more like Dore is running a smear campaign for the DNC. Notice the tag line: Cornel West does 45 minute commercial FOR JOE BIDEN! Jimmy Dore has no credibility. May be an image of 3 people, the Oval Office and text that says '"BIDENS BETTER THAN TRUMP" JIMMY DORE Skew Cornel West Does 45 Minute Commercial FOR JOE BIDEN!'
1d He sold his credibility.
1d What baffles me that virtually all JD fans talk about "truth" and "critical thinking", yet they can't see that Dore is distorting the truth. This thumbnail states that Dr West said "Biden is better than Trump", but he never said that. The funny thing is, I don't watch JD. I only watched this interview to hear what Dr West had to say. What I found is that Jimmy Dore has no credibility as a journalist or a "leftist". Dore is "interviewing" candidates, not to help the candidate get their message out, but to boost his own ratings*. *Ratings on the internet are measured by the number of followers / subscribers a person has and by the number of view a person's videos have.
The Southern Strategy is the ultimate "identity politics." Racism opened the way for the destruction of unions as the entire South defected to the Republican Party after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. Dore keeps screaming about "identity politics" as though it's somehow worse than where it originated from. Dore lost my respect when he promoted an anti-vax trucker convoy organized by right wing groups that had Nazis in attendance. Dore's class reductionism ignores how many a working class person will choose religious zealotry, social status, and racial angst over their own economic benefits.
Oh my, truth butt hurt ya eh? Sorry, no wait. Not.
1d Once again, why?
1d Uh-oh. You insulted the brave Saint Jimmy. Now you’ll incur the wrath of all his leftist incel followers. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
1d They're not leftists. They're part of the gray area where the left meets the right. They've just been brainwashed to believe they're left. They're not. They're exponentially closer to Alex Jones than anyone on the left.
1d leftists don’t suck the corporate government teat like you and Nicholas do
22h easily manipulated people like you are why we’re gonna go extinct
22h You think vaccinations are the US #1 problem? You think racism is identity politics?
21h I think mandating a medical experiment on everyone from a corrupt institution known for lying and killing people is a huge problem. I think tying every problem to white supremacy and that that is the main problem is identity politics. It’s the same crap the democrats do. Their leader is a known bigot. One that took systemic racism to a whole mother level. Their play on the words are identity politics and it is especially tailored to drive a wedge between working class people. Not that racism isn’t an issue, but the democrats don’t want to fix it and relying on calling all white people evil is a dumb strategy and not one that is going to bring working class together to beat the oligarchs.
18h nah you’re the easily manipulated fool. Self hatred ain’t a way to go forward. Wake the fuck up or shut the fuck up
18h I’m not a fan of any politicians or online political figures anymore, YOU wake the fuck up, you’re getting used by this fool. Obvious grifter is obvious.
18h nah you are. You use the same bs the democrats do. You suck up their narratives. How exactly is he “using me” when I’m not donating to him and he’s not vying for my vote? He’s just been right more often then not and he’s right here. You don’t build working class cohesion by relying on the divide and conquer strategy the democrats do. How far you think a worker strike would go if you held the absurd standards that you can only participate in it if you agree white people are evil and that lgtbq issues are forefront? You gonna ostracize over half the people there and you won’t have a strike. You gotta focus on working class and poor class issues. Fixate on that. Be inclusive not divisive. That’s where I think West is going wrong. That’s what Jimmy was telling him. It’s pretty basic. Divided we fail. United we win.
18h I’m not reading all that but I’m happy for you or sorry that happened 🤣🤣🤣😜🤪 eat 💩🖕 Best Besties GIF
18h Do you know the history of vaccination?? It isn't ugly. Suddenly it is? Those corporations want MONEY and POWER, not a lot of dead wage slaves.
Did ... did he call out shitlib trash again?
1d If you think Dore's more left than West you're nuts. Vaccinations are our #1 issue????
21h No, baby girl. Cornel West bombed on vaccines. Outed himself as shitlib garbage. Downplaying the harm of lockdowns and mandates? No thanks.
The cuck thread right here. You bring up JD every time he actually does something decent. I'm not a JD fan I'm the exftv for his lack of consequences
1d 'Domain registration data shows that AIPAC and the Serena Shim Award websites are hosted on the same IP address Among those winners is Jimmy Dore, a comedian turned political commentator who was employed by The Young Turks, a progressive video outlet, until April 2019. According to an IRS filing, however, Dore actually began receiving money from the association behind the Serena Shim Award in 2017, receiving $2,500 for what the latter described as “human rights media.” That same year, Dore would argue that a chemical weapons attack on the opposition-held town of Khan Sheikhun was likely a “false flag,” the bodies of dead children having been planted, perhaps, by extremists (the United Nations has confirmed that the Syrian government, the only party to the conflict known to possess the Sarin and an air force, was responsible).' https://www.bellingcat.com/.../pro-assad-lobby-group.../ Pro-Assad Lobby Group Rewards Bloggers On Both The Left And The Right - bellingcat BELLINGCAT.COM Pro-Assad Lobby Group Rewards Bloggers On Both The Left And The Right - bellingcat Pro-Assad Lobby Group Rewards Bloggers On Both The Left And The Right - bellingcat
1d bellingcat, the cia and bbc government mouthpiece? 🤣
May be a black-and-white image of 1 person and text that says 'Tenderness is what Love feels like in private. Justice is what Love looks like in public. -Cornel West'
1d https://youtu.be/RlvfcFQpsBI?si=5Fp3o2OiZTukP_tH Cornel West Has ZERO Populist Message YOUTUBE.COM Cornel West Has ZERO Populist Message Cornel West Has ZERO Populist Message
1d I am watching the Grayzone. Max Blumenthal weighs in on the Dore/West issue at the 135 mark of this fascinating discussion with Aaron Mate. I think he will have a lot more to say on this issue soon. https://www.youtube.com/live/LXJf8f9N-lA?si=mh4b4rV4oT-KhyGx Defamation League - The Grayzone live YOUTUBE.COM Defamation League - The Grayzone live Defamation League - The Grayzone live
1d What'd he do now?
1d There was actually a time when I liked him. That was a long time ago.
1d He lost his god damn mind. After what he did to Anna I was done with him. He went full blown right wing.
1d That's about when he started taking the funds I posted above. He did a 180 after he started getting funds from CIPAC.
Always look for "who" is funding them.
1d Exactly!
1d who do you think is funding Jimmy?
1d who funds Jimmy Dore? You seem to have that info. Can you provide sources? Could be his more than million subscribers like me. And the fact that he makes a living as a comedian.
her infor is from bellingcat. A cia and government funded mouthpiece. The piece she links to cleary lies about what Mate and Dore claim. They don’t even understand the definition of a false flag
How many of his videos do you watch? Which ones have made you angry? Give examples of what you mean.
1d How many of his videos do you watch? I don't think I've ever watched an entire video of his before. But I watched this one start to finish twice. I watched this because I'm interested in hearing what Cornel West has to say. Given that I strongly disagree with many policies of the Red and Blue parties, but I feel that it's better to vote than not vote, I need to find an alternative candidate. If you go to Jimmy Dore's webpage and watch the video behind the image I posted, you'll find that Dr West never said the quote that's on the image. Objective analysis reveals that the message on the image conflicts with multiple messages in the video. Given that Biden is unfavorable among Green voters, the false statement on the thumbnail is likely to be more damaging to Dr West than any accurate quote from the video. Far more people will see that thumbnail than watch the whole video. And many that watch the whole video won't listen carefully enough to realize that the image is fiction. It's a shame that every medium of journalism is full of misinformation. Of course, Jimmy Dore isn't actually a journalist. He's a comic that's doing a great impersonation of mainstream media's misrepresentation of information. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I'm an American, and honorably discharged US Marine. I believe every American voter is entitled to 1 equal vote to cast as they see fit. I'm troubled that many Americans claim to believe in democracy, but look down on other voters for "not voting right!" "You're not voting right!" "If you don't vote for the color of my bumper sticker, you're a fucking cunt that's destroying our country!" May be an image of 3 people, the Oval Office and text that says 'JIMMY ש DORE Show "BIDENIS BETTER THAN TRUMP Cornel West Does 45 Minute Commercial FOR JOE BIDEN!'
21h West literally said that trump is full blown fascist and Biden just has aspects of it. That’s literally saying that Biden is better when in actuality Biden has had way more time and done way more damage than trump I loved west. I still might vote for him if he can adopt better strategy. The way he