anyone that still believes the Pentagon was hit by a passenger airliner is deluded. I was a young officer at Nellis AFB in 2007 at a gathering where several fighter pilots were also. this subject came up. they would not make blanket accusations, but when I asked why it couldnt have been, 100% of them laughed. LAUGHED, as if to passivly say "no fucking way a jumbo jet, piloted by a HIGHJACKER, was able to level a PASSENGER AIRLINER traveling 350 miles per hour, over the Potomac river, not hit the ground, and hit the pentagon dead solid perfect into the ground floor, and not a single security camera ANYWHERE picked it up. Laughable.
I started this journey when I saw the hole in the pentagon that looked more like a missile hit than an airplane hit.
anyone that still believes the Pentagon was hit by a passenger airliner is deluded. I was a young officer at Nellis AFB in 2007 at a gathering where several fighter pilots were also. this subject came up. they would not make blanket accusations, but when I asked why it couldnt have been, 100% of them laughed. LAUGHED, as if to passivly say "no fucking way a jumbo jet, piloted by a HIGHJACKER, was able to level a PASSENGER AIRLINER traveling 350 miles per hour, over the Potomac river, not hit the ground, and hit the pentagon dead solid perfect into the ground floor, and not a single security camera ANYWHERE picked it up. Laughable.