You can also make antibiotic with Usnea also called Old Man's Beard. You can make a tincture, use it on the skin, either in the tincture form or wet it and put it on wounds, can make a tea with it. I made tincture with it, using 80 proof vodka. It works, I took it for a uti, and it went away fast. Should drink plenty of water/fluids when taking it.
This link is good to read about usnea, tells you many benefits including helping against cancer, but they don't explain about the tincture really well. I'll add a link for video on how to make a tincture.
Also, you have to make sure to pick the right lichen/herb, do not mistake it for moss.
"Usnea has long been used around the world to address infections, including sore throats, lung infections, wounds, urinary tract infections, and vaginal infections.
Usnea is an antimicrobial herb, meaning that it affects a wide range of pathogens. However, it does not act like a pharmaceutical antibiotic that indiscriminately kills all bacteria."
Teresa on Old Ways and Gardening, has lots of knowledge on many herbs. Link to her Unsea foraging and making tincture. She does not give dosage amounts until she strains her tinctures. I know she has a video on straining it, but can't seem to find it at the moment, but the dosage is 1 ml once a day (about 1/2 tsp). Check out her other videos.
You can also make antibiotic with Usnea also called Old Man's Beard. You can make a tincture, use it on the skin, either in the tincture form or wet it and put it on wounds, can make a tea with it. I made tincture with it, using 80 proof vodka. It works, I took it for a uti, and it went away fast. Should drink plenty of water/fluids when taking it.
This link is good to read about usnea, tells you many benefits including helping against cancer, but they don't explain about the tincture really well. I'll add a link for video on how to make a tincture.
Also, you have to make sure to pick the right lichen/herb, do not mistake it for moss.
"Usnea has long been used around the world to address infections, including sore throats, lung infections, wounds, urinary tract infections, and vaginal infections.
Usnea is an antimicrobial herb, meaning that it affects a wide range of pathogens. However, it does not act like a pharmaceutical antibiotic that indiscriminately kills all bacteria."
Another link on Unsea:
Here's a link to show you how to find Unsea, scroll down the page some:
Teresa on Old Ways and Gardening, has lots of knowledge on many herbs. Link to her Unsea foraging and making tincture. She does not give dosage amounts until she strains her tinctures. I know she has a video on straining it, but can't seem to find it at the moment, but the dosage is 1 ml once a day (about 1/2 tsp). Check out her other videos.