right, but "metals crashing" is a cabal manipulated metric. if/when cash becomes worthless and they can no longer hide the true intrinsic value of gold, it will be worth at least as much as it is today I'd be near certain. when I say value, I mean that a gold coin today might buy say 4 decent guns with some ammo. I think at any point in time moving forward that it would giving you that buying power, absent some crazy gun grab where gun values increase dramatically
you could also look into smaller purchases that should retain value. for examples: tractors, lumber, piping, guns, etc. obviously would want to seek items that doesn't lose value immediately or over time. and if you have the means, cattle or other livestock could earn you money while being a good investment, but that requires a bit more of a commitment
One would think that metals will dip in price when the stock market really finally crashes. So yeah, if you can time it right, buy the day after the crash but then again, you never know. Maybe it doesn't do it that way this time for some reason. Who knows? I'm keeping so cash on hand for when I think that time might be...
looking back to 08 metals crashed before they mooned. I will investigate more into the land investment because thats certainly been on my radar.
right, but "metals crashing" is a cabal manipulated metric. if/when cash becomes worthless and they can no longer hide the true intrinsic value of gold, it will be worth at least as much as it is today I'd be near certain. when I say value, I mean that a gold coin today might buy say 4 decent guns with some ammo. I think at any point in time moving forward that it would giving you that buying power, absent some crazy gun grab where gun values increase dramatically
you could also look into smaller purchases that should retain value. for examples: tractors, lumber, piping, guns, etc. obviously would want to seek items that doesn't lose value immediately or over time. and if you have the means, cattle or other livestock could earn you money while being a good investment, but that requires a bit more of a commitment
I've been losing my shirt on FAZ for a few years now. It's OK though, I got another shirt
One would think that metals will dip in price when the stock market really finally crashes. So yeah, if you can time it right, buy the day after the crash but then again, you never know. Maybe it doesn't do it that way this time for some reason. Who knows? I'm keeping so cash on hand for when I think that time might be...