these are not the original sudafed, the original is not being trashed. the original is behind the counter b/c it is used to help create meth.
The new one is not used for meth and likely doesn't work, but they use the trusted name like sudafed to sell it.
the FDA is a piece of shit, but I think on this one they may be right. If they force out the new form, the old form that works will still be available, just behind the counter as it has been for a decade plus.
This is critical thinking right here folks. Instead of blindly trusting the FDA, ask questions, research, and come to your own conclusion.
There may be other motives here ($$), but I too found current OTC decongestants to be lacking. Maybe these drugs work against COVID and they're doing to it what they did to Ranitidine.
They don't "ban" things because they "dont work". The way I see it, they are either effective at something they dont want them used for (like a new covid strain or a whole new bug) OR its a $ thing.
Like when they tried to ban NAC back when that was very good at battling covid
They do work, and they're cheap.
Hmmm... I'm baffled as to why they would discontinue these.
these are not the original sudafed, the original is not being trashed. the original is behind the counter b/c it is used to help create meth.
The new one is not used for meth and likely doesn't work, but they use the trusted name like sudafed to sell it.
the FDA is a piece of shit, but I think on this one they may be right. If they force out the new form, the old form that works will still be available, just behind the counter as it has been for a decade plus.
This is critical thinking right here folks. Instead of blindly trusting the FDA, ask questions, research, and come to your own conclusion.
There may be other motives here ($$), but I too found current OTC decongestants to be lacking. Maybe these drugs work against COVID and they're doing to it what they did to Ranitidine.
They don't "ban" things because they "dont work". The way I see it, they are either effective at something they dont want them used for (like a new covid strain or a whole new bug) OR its a $ thing.
Like when they tried to ban NAC back when that was very good at battling covid