As the impeachment circus rolls into town, it might...
stall and never happen.
lead to Trump's 5th indictment.
actually dispose of FJB and install Kumaholic.
show a lot of damning evidence but then result in nothing, further infuriating more people and red-pilling others.
lead to further evidence that 2020 was stolen and thus be the stage where the final act takes place, and Trump is restored to the White House.
occur, but nothing actually happens because no one cares because aliens invaded.
Any other ideas?
Your vote?
Edit: I realize that the options above don't really do justice to the complexities of reality. Key words: "high level" .
I think it’s just another way to get rid of Trump. If the Dems, eventually, recognize Biden’s corruption, admit to his devious actions, they will throw him under the bus. They know they cannot win a election with Biden. Even if they cheat, who would believe that outcome? So, all they really have to do is say something like “Bidens accusations, his indictments, his action have made we, the Democratic Party, unable to support him for the next presidential election. We acknowledge this and we welcome xxxxxxx as our new candidate.” And while they do this they will use this situation to put pressure on the uniparty, err I mean the GOP, that they themselves now have to consider Trump to be unfit as well. They will mimic Trump matters right along side Biden’s to oust Trump. And sadly their are a crap ton of sheep that would agree with this. Dems would start to look all high and mighty to sacrifice one of their own, and refer to “let’s just get back to where we used to be, with honesty and integrity, back to being America again”…kinda crap. Sheep will follow this. It’s a stage reset. And to me, it looks like the GOP are gonna help with this latest McCarthy impeachment stuff.
My 2cents.
A decision to have a formal Impeachment Inquiry == permission to investigate and collect evidence.
Impeachment Inquiry =/= a debate and vote about whether to Impeach Biden will happen.
McCarthy/Republicans may decide to let the American people decide rather than letting the House make that decision for them.