As the impeachment circus rolls into town, it might...
stall and never happen.
lead to Trump's 5th indictment.
actually dispose of FJB and install Kumaholic.
show a lot of damning evidence but then result in nothing, further infuriating more people and red-pilling others.
lead to further evidence that 2020 was stolen and thus be the stage where the final act takes place, and Trump is restored to the White House.
occur, but nothing actually happens because no one cares because aliens invaded.
Any other ideas?
Your vote?
Edit: I realize that the options above don't really do justice to the complexities of reality. Key words: "high level" .
My thoughts:
Nope. Too much evidence and energy. Even media reporters that ask questions leading with "there is no evidence" get destroyed when high-level evidence examples are presented off the top of the heads of the inquiry leads.
Nope. The indictments and the mugshot have only boosted Trumps's popularity to the stratosphere. They probably won't go this route again.
Most likely. Brandon will either be removed as part of the 25th amendment or will fall asleep and never get back up so charges will never sully the Biden name. Hunter takes the fall or leaves the country to escape charges. Kamala, who appears to be groomed at this point to take over, is the most likely candidate.
Most definitely. Worse yet for the left, there is already a contingent of Liberals that are skirting the "vote-blue-no-matter-who" mindset. Check out this video from Black Conservative Perspective. This lady is lefty looney as they get, but they are like fuck no, I won't vote for Joe this time around. This mindset is damning and is becoming extremely pervasive on the left.
No. This is a pipe dream. I'm not sure how the plan rolls out, but it won't be so movie like where Trump is restored to office. If it isn't stolen this time around, Trump wins, and starts cleaning house.
Can't be any less wacky than what has happened so far this year.
Edit: this is my reaction to the list. My personal view is that Biden will be the nominee for the president. The damage that changing the candidate from the incumbent to another candidate will send shockwaves of no confidence in the party and send swing voters running.