As the impeachment circus rolls into town, it might...
stall and never happen.
lead to Trump's 5th indictment.
actually dispose of FJB and install Kumaholic.
show a lot of damning evidence but then result in nothing, further infuriating more people and red-pilling others.
lead to further evidence that 2020 was stolen and thus be the stage where the final act takes place, and Trump is restored to the White House.
occur, but nothing actually happens because no one cares because aliens invaded.
Any other ideas?
Your vote?
Edit: I realize that the options above don't really do justice to the complexities of reality. Key words: "high level" .
My current preference:
The House Impeachment Inquiry uncovers and EXPOSES as much dirt as possible involving as many Derp State agencies, outside networks and individuals.
Thanks to Pelosi and the Democrats Trump Impeachment Inquiry, those inquiries give the House Supoena Powers to compel testimony; a power they don't have under any other circumstances.
Additionally, thanks to the Derp State DOJ and Judges who were happy to help Pelosi and the House "Get Trump" legal precedents were set eliminating the rights to refuse to testify if supoenaed; rights that had existed and been used forever by the Derp State to evade exposure.
Now, supoenas can' no longer legally be declined by people who used to do so routinely. Plus now those who defy a supoena can be given jail time; not now but when President Trump returns. Kek.
The House decides not to hold an Impeachment vote which would give Dems cover for ditching Biden while simultaneously being able to blame Republicans and energize their base to exact revenge by voting against Republicans in 2024
Instead, House Republicans leave the decision about Biden up to the American people. November 5, 2024 will reveal their decision.
Unlike Democrats, House Republicans Reject Election Inference that robs the American people of their right to pick their President and then point out that the House Inquiry provides the American people with information they can use to make an informed decision rather than being lied to again and kept in the dark again through government/corporate orchestrated censorship.
Finally, unsaid but understood, when President Trump returns, successful prosecutions can begin; even prosecutions of former Presidents and WH officials, thanks to the legal precedents the Derp State is still setting with their "Stop Trump from Returning" lawfare "wins".
Fwiw Wednesdays "Devolution Power Hour" on Badlands, a Q centric show, had an evocative conversation around this topic. I highly recommend watching it.