Greetings Gentlemen,
I am grateful to be apart of such amazing times as we live in now. The things we have experienced in our recent years, and will experience in the next few years will indeed, be some of the most interesting times of our lives, and I am optimistic for what is to come, and what our future, and even our nation will become.
Our nation has been demoralized, our families have been divided, our culture has been split into a million pieces and the creativity, the drive and innovation of individuals has all but disappeared.
If you are not familiar with the incorporation of the united states, that is a subject of research I welcome you to venture into.
We live in a corporate world, and it’s important I think to realize that the interest of any corporation is the corporation. It is a matter of fact that governments of the world have incorporated themselves, and it is useful to recognize that fact, and consider the implications of such when reading in order to fully comprehend the scope of EO 13848.
It should be recognized, and it should be directly obvious to anyone that the purpose of government is to serve the people in any nation. What is not obvious to many is that for over a century, our own government has operated on the corporate level, to the extent that people are represented as individual “corporations” as opposed to people. According to the laws of the land, and the rules of English, any name is written in the manner such as “george washington”. There is no capitalization in a name, indeed, there is no instance in English where a name can exist written in a manner that uses only capitalization. Certainly, you can be taught differently, and perhaps you may read differently. However if the foundation of your nation exists on writing written and represented by words that have meanings and rules different than the ones that exist presently, in order to properly interpret such a document, it must be according to the rules of that time.
If you take out your wallet, and look upon the name written on your identification card, you may find it written in such a way that says “GEORGE WASHINGTON”. It is important to recognize that is not your name. It is equally important to recognize that you are not your name, just as much as water is not the word water. When a judge, an officer, or any member of government asks if you are “GEORGE WASHINGTON”, or you hand your identification card over, you are representing yourself as an individual corporation, making contracts with another corporation. Any time you sign your name, you are signing into contract, placing your individual corporation as the debtor and your physical body as surety (collateral). This is why when you are “charged” by government in some capacity, if you do not pay their fees, your physical body serves the consequences as opposed to the corporate fiction.
I would like to bring attention to several details of EO 13848. The first is that it was placed initially by Donald Trump, and extended two times by Joe Biden.
It is titled as following: “Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election”
Let’s review Sec. 2. (a) Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:
Take note please in regards to “the following persons”.
(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election; (ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or (iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.
This is very broad when you consider the implications. It is worth considering the implications that this executive order, although established by the last President is renewed now twice under Joe Biden.
Now consider for a moment how many corporations are owned, partially owned, operated, or in some manner handled from over seas.
I am not pointing fingers at anyone, I am making no accusation nor endorsement of any person, I won’t say there was election fraud in any recent elections that would cause this EO to be triggered. Instead what I will do is simply point out what I have noticed:
Walmart has completely changed. They actually have good customer service now. They no longer try to dress people in rags, and they are providing quality displays and clothing. Furthermore, the self checkouts all have “Notes” as opposed to “Us Dollar” on the registers. You can consider those implications, I will just leave it there.
YouTube no longer shows recommendations to anyone with search history off and cleared. How could it before, and why won’t it now? Consider the implications.
Consider the main stream Media in the United States. There has been a very clear shift in what is being said. Consider the implications.
If you just look around you at all the subtle changes in leadership, and in corporations you will see a very clear trend. They are becoming better for the public, and especially being more transparent in what they do behind the scenes. Consider the implications.
Here's another, important reason that shows the problems with what the Free Citizens/Sovereign Citizens/Whatever They Want To Call Themselves spout.
It completely goes against everything we've been fighting for here in getting people to pay for their crimes.
The Sovereign Citizens (that's what I'm going to call them, I don't care if you get butt hurt over it) basically believe the government has no jurisdiction over us. (I finally remembered that stuff you/they believe concerning the definition/meaning of "jurisdiction".)
And that applies to ANYONE who wants to claim that they are "free" because :Insert whatever word salad they come up with to justify their reasoning here:.
So what would stop all these pedophiles from using this defense? Or Biden? Or Obama? Or the Clintons? Or any of the other people involved in all the sick shit that goes down?
What is stopping any of them from suddenly discovering that they are "free" and using all this jibber jabber about jurisdiction and strawmen and being "hillary of the family clinton" and all the other stuff that those in the know tell people to say in court?
So if the government truly doesn't have any sort of jurisdiction over us, how do we expect to have all these criminals we've been fighting pay for their crimes?
That's not what it means and that's not what I said.
Whoever it is claiming they can just do whatever the fuck they want with no repercussions because "jurisdiction" is an idiot and if that's what you think it is then so are you.
It is harm to another human being that makes the difference.
A statute violation is not a crime without a victim. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
I don't think that's what jurisdiction is. I'm simply repeating what Sovereign Citizens say.
So the only crimes that matter and people can be punished over are ones where someone physically harmed someone else?
So how do we prosecute Biden for financial crimes? Or try anyone for treason?
Or any of the other thousands of crimes Democrats have committed where they haven't physically harmed someone?
That's why we're talking past each other. It's a psyop like I said so you're literally arguing a strawman, no pun intended.
I never said the harm had to be physical.
Fraud is a crime because it is harmful to its victims.
Treason is a crime because if you are elected to a trusted position and betray that trust, harm most certainly occurs to the people who elected you.
Wait, are you saying that the people who call themselves Sovereign Citizens (and who have chat boards to discuss how to win court cases and get their mortgages waved and other such things) are psyops? That they don't believe what they say?
What about the people who go to court, claiming that they are Sovereign Citizens and the courts have no jurisdiction on them? For anything from a speeding ticket to running your car into a crowd and killing six people. You know the Darrell Brooks case, right? They're all not real?
Because I have spent quite a bit of time talking to people on those chat boards, and on Facebook (before I dumped it), and on YouTube, and wherever else they popped up.
And what you're saying now doesn't really line up with what I've been hearing from them for years.
You seem to be trying to make Sovereign Citizen stuff only about piddly ass things like getting pulled over for a broken tail light or expired tags.
And from my experience with all those people claiming to be Sovereign Citizens over the past, damn, almost 20 years now (god, I'm getting old), it applies to pretty much everything.
By any chance, was your experience in the court case you mentioned earlier because of a traffic or parking violation?
Edited to add: Let me give some context here.
In 2005 people who called themselves Sovereign Citizens broke into my family's beach house and declared it was theirs because it had been abandoned and was vacant. It was not our primary residence, so duh it was vacant in February.
They squatted in it until we found out and tried to get them out of the house. They pulled all the stunts they could to stay. Stunts which are shared on chat boards and Facebook groups that people like them go to.
We won in the end. Duh, because like I've said, their silly mumbo jumbo doesn't work in court. But we were left with tens of thousands of dollars in lawyers bills and much more than that in the damage they did to the house.
Not to mention the theft or destruction of irreplaceable family heirlooms that went back three generations.
So that's when my interest in, and extreme dislike of, Sovereign Citizen crap began. And I spent a shit ton of time learning about them.
And it's why I try to warn people when I see posts like the OP here. Because nothing good comes out of that cesspool.