I was thinking about gold and why it's valuable. I get it, "dollar will collapse, gold is always valuable," but WHY?
And then I was thinking about the ancient civilizations, the ones pre-flood that were most likely highly advanced.. The ones that most likely were able to tap into frequencies, magnetic fields, and had advanced techniques that was lost to man. Techniques that men like Tesla eventually rediscovered, but cabal agents came and told them away (hence Epstein trolling around MIT, but that's a different topic).
I'm wondering if gold was used as a method to tapping into the power sources in the ancient world. Like, it more efficiently stabilized frequencies and made power a constant in the ancient ancient world. Who knows, I'm riffing here.
We know gold has unique properties when compared to the elements, and we know it's already used in electronics, electrical wiring, dentistry, medicine, and radiation shielding. Perhaps the ancient world harvested it as it expanded their power, and then the Flood hit, people lost the technology, but remembered gols: "it's valuable because our forefathers knew it was valuable, and maybe we'll tap into that so let's keep gathering more gold."
Maybe word-of-mouth and generational story telling eventually forgot how to leverage gold for energy, and it became a relic of the past, still valuable, but the inherent reason was lost.
Look into ORMUS, sometimes called ORMES, not sure on the acronym.
Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements
or something like that.
It mainly refers to gold but it can be done with other metals. Basically there is a chemical process for breaking down the metallic bonds (decentralized electron cloud) in gold so that it is reduced to individual atoms (not sharing electrons). When it's in this form it has properties like being superconducting at room temperature.
You can get it online as a tincture and take it as a supplement. Supposedly cures a lot of things because the gold atoms actually infuse into your cells and the superconductivity helps to connect you to the planet's magnetic field.
...white gold ( ORMUS ) shem-an-na is why we were seeded on this planet to mine it, it supposedly has healing qualities ( energize the body and mind ) when ingested
I saw a video years ago where some explorers were investigating the various pyramids located around the world. Anyway, I can't remember all the details but what stuck with me is the pile of Monoatomic gold they found in one of the inner rooms of one of these pyramids. Just an interesting tidbit that stuck with me.